Standard of the Guardian disappeared?

Just to doublecheck, is this on your Mage? Can the character you are looking on use the staff?

Encephalon, which character are you attempting to use to transmog the Standard of the Guardian? I know you said you had it on your old staff, but I wanted to doublecheck so we can look at the character itself too.


Just got the pack. Hood and cape show up, staff doesn’t. Checked on my priest and mage. nothing


Thanks, Zircon.


No, this is on my MG warlock, Aprilîs (the void elf one). She’s the only character I’ve used the staff transmog on.

Yeah, she had/has on a green leveling staff, and I was attempting to transmog to a higher ilevel green staff from a quest reward - which is when and why I noticed the staff was missing from my collections.

Apologies for the late reply, I was doing a dungeon to get my last level for the evening. If you need me to log off of her so you can check, please let me know, as I’ve been sitting on her most of the day!

That question was to Thalassiel. I was replying to their post, but I quoted you with my question for you so that the forums pinged you. Sorry for the confusion. :slight_smile:


Oop, my bad! I have a Mage alt I haven’t been on today, so I assumed. :dracthyr_uwu:

But, I suppose it answered your question to me as well, so all good! :dracthyr_hehe:


Yes, on the mage I’m posting with. I have it transmogged and I can see it on my character. But it’s not on the appearances tab. I’m afraid of opening the transmog window incase it disappears.

It won’t disappear off the item it’s already transmogged on, if that’s any consolation. I still have the appearance applied to the old staff I was trying to replace (and kept after realizing the issue). It’s just not able to be mogged onto anything else due to not showing up in my collections.

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Having the same exact issue.

Same issue here as well. The helmet and cloak are showing up, the staff is nowhere to be seen. It’s not even in there greyed out as if I don’t have it. A search of Standard of the Guardian in my staves reveals absolutey nothing, as if it doesn’t exist in the collections at all.

I also have the same issue. I submitted screenshots of my mage at the transmog vendor with no Standard of the Guardian available and the GM actually told me I wasn’t on a character that uses staves…

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Same, I was asked if I was sure my character could use staves, I’m a mage.

Keep in mind that GMs can’t do anything to fix a bug. This all needs to be in the Bug Reports forum.


Im having the same issue, I have the cowl and cape on my collection but I do not see the staff. I reported it as a bug.

thx for help

Same issue here, Standard of the Guardian is not in the appearance tab, cloak and cowl are.

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Make sure you post in Bug Reports with everyone else. CS cannot fix it.

Hey folks,

A hotfix was just pushed that should hopefully resolve the issue. It may take a little bit to populate all realms, but if you get a chance, can you check your collection to see if the Standard of the Guardian is listed now?


I logged out and reopened the game, and yep, it’s back in my collection log and able to be transmogged!!

Thanks a ton for getting Blizz’s attention on the issue, Vrak. It’s good to get to use my favorite staff again. :dracthyr_heart: Hopefully it’s been fixed for everyone else, as well.


Yep, I just checked and have the staff mog now. Thank you.


Yes, now is again on my appearance tab. Thank you