Staghelm Alliance Reconnections

I honestly can’t remember but for some reason that is clicking in m y head…

You have a much better memory than I do lol.

I did a quick google search for Elmer+Staghelm and came up with this.

March 2006: The relatively overlooked third party of the Alliance transfers came with a man named Eggie, under the new moniker of Elmer. Seeking a fresh beginning from an unforgiving past on Hellscream, he formed the guild Dark Fury with delusions of grandeur. All was not as it was intended. People came, and people went. Drama surged through the guild’s very veins, creating internal turmoil that ceased to ever be suppressed. Upon learning of Elmer’s private dealings with the Guild bank for solely personal gain, several members went into an uproar, many losing trust and respect for the man who had led them since December. His lack of justification and reinforcement of the bank belonging to him, rather than the guild, further forced others to seek to distance themselves from him, leaving him with very little other than a name and a crippled guild. Then in April, Dark Fury fully disbanded, and Elmer organized a merger with the up and coming Alliance National Guard, a guild crippled by their GM (Bigj) and MT (Darkblaze) leaving; after their GM applied to Attrition, their MT was recruited to be the OT for Omicron. Dark Fury was no more, and ANG began a formal push to clear past Domo in MC.

Dude, the list of names I see there take me back to when I was but a wee noob.

I remember seeing your name quite a bit in guild chat. I’m still in contact with one or two people from the guild, Vysterion and Tajeri. At least I think that was their names back in Vanilla/Aftermath. I only catch them on from time to time because of my work/home schedule.

I’m not sure if they’re going to be playing Classic or not. I’m definitely going to play, but it will have to be casually in the beginning.

It’s been a long time since I have seen someone from Ars Draconis.

Anyways, Vegluran. Druid. Ars Draconis.
Also: Drefean, Icongite, Killstealer

Field Marshal Hallheal Human paladin
Only put Field marshal in there because it was such a giant pain in my butt lol

Several guilds, moonlight Shadow, Vanquish, Attrition in BC

getting pumped for Classic, will be on Pagle with a bunch of oldies!!


Allorah, Dwarf/Troll, Priest
Lookin Cute Feelin Cute


Hallrox - Human Warlock
Shadows of the eternal, Moonlight Shadow, Myriad, Attrition - Yikers I guild hopped XD
Too many people to mention, but christ, it’s bloody lovely seeing all of you coming out of the woodwork.
Playing on Pagle with a bunch of ex-Staghelmians. Hope to see a load of you kicking about.


The toothless one lives!


Aildenn/Encore - Dwarf Paladin of Gathered Fury
Rass, Chaotic, Akyra, Opal, Cob, Justys and many more.
Even if you’re not coming back I hope you’re all well :+1: and thanks to all the others on Staghelm for the great realm community we had. I remember seeing many names in this thread hanging out in Ironforge.

Kalaron - Human Paladin
Ragnum Ardesco and Rising Tide when the guild was remade
Anyone who was around in the late vanilla and TBC days

Yeah! After I left for basic training I came back and the guild had disbanned and I have been wondering what happened to everyone since. It’s good to hear from you!

Nah, Hamx was a troll mage. Penta was the dude who would go into Ironforge and randomly murder people and post videos lol.

Sup bro.


Well, since it won’t let me add a new post:

Sanchezi, undead warrior

PVP pewpew’d a few of you

Feel free to add me - Sanchezi#1127

Also - WHAT HAPPENED TO LEGENDSKY!? Did his moonfire spam crash the server?!?!?

Nerd. Why do I keep missing you on Bnet?! Zorak hasn’t been on since Xmas. ><

Also, hi all you Alliance people. I will be stabbing people found on Pagle.


He’d go anywhere he could stir up trouble. And he always had his Timbermaw exalted furbolg healing buddy. That guy was something else.

Is that the real bang bang?

Shout out for Desperada, i think he’s coming back too but doesn’t know about this forum.

I got him on bnet ill poke him about it

Loved chasing Foosh down, stunning him and killing him. Goodtimes. Attrition vs the warlord team, no match.

Hey all! Wow… been a while… i use to be in Nox Incurro under Edxaxpriest wheres all my old guildies at?