Reserved Armigard Human Priest on Pagle.
Bnet Armigar#1329
add me friends
Reserved Armigard Human Priest on Pagle.
Bnet Armigar#1329
add me friends
Luke, human paladin
The Last Crusaders
Really just anyone who was from that guild or interacted with me back then.
I was a dumb 11 year old kid back then and am now a dumb 23 year old adult and just wanna see how my old friends are doing since I never really was able to keep up with them after basically everyone quit playing over the years.
I realized that having a friends list is antithetical to my beliefs.
I can’t remember the guild name either, was the guild leader Eggie? They were a husband wife led guild. Ended up with a lot of drama, I left there and went to Attrition after that mess ( Flawed- Gnome Mage)
Nerfhurter - Gnome Warlock
Nerftoo - Draenei Paladin
I started raiding with you guys when I was like 14.
I had to turn down the volume on Crifo’s drunken singing so my parents wouldn’t think I was playing with neanderthals.
Hey Wyrm, Avalas here.
Sorry to share this, but Urzhad actually passed away a few years ago.
Zokron here - Gnome mage. I think I was in Vengeance?
Guild leader was Synith, and I think drama killed the guild. If you remember the old viral video of someone screaming “More dots” on an Onyxia run - I remember him being like that lol.
Id be looking for (probably not spelled correctly) Conicious, Valaran, Qito, Dopefish, Virion, Revrb, Bixson, Hobbles, Maxheal, Comotose, Unstopable, Erianna, Rayner. Many more, but its been so long I can’t remember names. Half of these names came from an old (blurry) video of an Onyxia run.
Gnomepriest gnome mage/Etnie night elf hunter
Moonlight Shadows
Just seeing if anyone still plays from those days (Mur, Johnyo, Elleynna, etc)
Hello Ellebelle here. I wish i could remember the name of the person who approached me in Darnassus and gave me 1 gold piece. That was like winning the lottery in Vanilla. I am still on Staghelm and still playing the same little Night Elf. Scippio are you out there?
My heart, she is broken. I shall try to soldier on.
Turnwar was my in game name I was a protection warrior back in the day. Im planing on making another Protection tank with the same name if anyone remembers me please feel free to send me a friend request Turndog#11378
I had many characters on Staghelm, but started with a human mage, Breakerofwnd. Had Donkeykicka NE Rogue, Understudy NE Druid, Redryder Dwarf Hunter. . .
Guilds. Man, there were a few, I know I was with Kurthis in Phoenix Rising or Risen or whatever it was. Darnassian Guard was my start with Cire and a few others. Then let’s not forget Eirote and Sydar, CZalone, Jonnoj. . . Memories.
Planning to come back. Hope to see some of you there.
Yeah, I did some digging and found out from Tinuviel’s post I believe back in 2015? Back when we stopped raiding (for the second HJ revival) I was planning to visit him in California on a business trip… I understand now why he stopped responding.
A real shame. Nice to see you though! I take it from your level 11 that you’re done with WoW?
Neberque (Night Elf Hunter)
Amberque (Night Elf Druid)
of Nox Incurro
I haven’t played too seriously since around WOTLK. I’ve played a bit each expansion, but no organized raiding. Mostly just hopping between alts and running dungeons and world questing. Haven’t been too wild about most of the recent expansions and haven’t found a guild that felt like home since the glory days in HJ/Vanq on Staghelm.
Looking forward to classic release though. I’ll be rolling an alliance warlock on Pagle along with a good friend. We’re in the market for a guild with plans for serious raiding if you (or anyone else reading this) might be doing the same.
Anyone that is interested in catching up can feel free to hit me up on bnet, Powafiya#1562
Gith! I’m still here and still on Staghelm. Been on and off over the years. Think you have the guild’s name confused since that is my bank guild but I dont remember which guild we were in together. So many years, so many guilds Add me in bnet. Liath#1427
Darlenn, Dwarf Hunter
Hopped between guilds but cant recall any names
I was a kid when I played but I remember so many good times with Kaliper
I was really immature so no one scold me if they remember
I’m also on Pagle. Swiftbow and Pellinore Alliance side. Lock named Bloodstone Horde side. NorrinRadd#11922
Elmer, dwarf hunter?
Ran Dark Fury?
My first raiding guild as well, left at the same time as you to Heaven’s Judgement
Yes i remember running many of 5 man with you and others in Moonlight Shadow, i only stayed while leveling but i had many found memories with many of you, I can’t recall anyone elses names atm.