hey guys! i remember you both! Edxaxpriest was my main!
Amberque!! holy crap! i def remember your tankiness!
Edxaxpriest was my main!
Frys - Dwarf Priest
Can’t remember og guild name but eventually ended up as The Legacy
Just wanted to shoutout/thank anyone from back then who took me in and helped me out!
I remember PVPing against some of ya’ll with the Warlords group back in the day and seeing some of you while I was in Mass Casualty. Hope everyone is doing well! Sacmiester#1486 if you want to reconnect!
I remember you guys,I no longer have my original account though
Zokron what’s your bnet tag?
Aragerelle - Night Elf Priest
Moonlight Shadow
Sup Sup Sab! Yo GP/Etnie!
All the names in this bringing back a ton of memories not only from vanilla but later as well.
Cynis whats your bnet tag?
Halis - Human Rogue
Guild - Legendary Retribution
Tinuviel - NE Rogue - Aion/Attrition
Like others in this thread, always been curious to find out what happened to Rohir and Fizzlebang (mage). They are two of a few that I could never track down. Nicia is another. Would appreciate hearing from anyone if you know what they’ve been up to or have contact info for them.
Demandred, it’s good to see you.
I keep in regular touch with Hanza, he’s still around in game, as is Vonblade.
Please say hi to Defonda for me, he was a cool dude.
Traef Human Retribution Paladin
Ragnum Ardesco went on to Rising Tide, Insurrection, and Ignite.
Ret, always.
Just saw this link on the battle.net launcher so I thought I would click just out of curiosity. I’m not even sure if I will play Classic WoW, but I thought I would at least reply and say Hi. Hope everything is going well for you and maybe I’ll see ya in Classic. It’s Dehth btw.
Hey Sabby! Whats up Dawg! Its Goibhniu Frenchy Pally! Good to hear from you! Havent played in a year or so. Still have FB friends in Houghton, Gifka, Etnie, Cory, Marlan, Iban, Wizzle. Those were the days downing bosses on beer and questing and talking on vent with Lockee, Madrius, Isyss, Christo, Elley, Ajontis. Add me Dawg!
Here are a few more names that popped up Azn, Siratilla, Droogy, Elunah, Demus, Tanny, Daz, Cren, memories! How can I forget Dee and Masa
Yep all is well here, I moved off Staghelm a while back but may make something over there again in hopes of seeing if any other old guildies play over there. I’ll be playing on Thalnos alliance and both sides of Bloodsail Buccaneers if you do decide to play classic otherwise like I said I may bring something over to Staghelm … if I’m paying for WoW I may as well maintain something on retail too.
hey. Its Calvira(human priest) I was part of the guild. Came here to do my own and saw yours.
Calvira human priest. Pendragon. Rippedshred
Hanzanator (Rogue) during Vanilla
Hanza (Shaman) for the rest of my time at Staghelm
Alliance - Aion and Myriad
I actually still played on Staghelm fairly regularly up until MoP. Still talk and/or play with Tinuviel, Hallheal, Hallrox, Moss and a few others. Wondering where Fishknuckles, Bullmax, diaz and a few others wound up! Probably won’t be playing Classic, but I still play wow. Add me, Hanza#1446
Good seeing a bunch of your names here!