FiveMoreMins#1137 I remember your name as well Tigercat, don’t think we ever raided together though. Prelude, I was there before and after Gaara stole the gbank and moved server xD
Truth , NE Priest, The Reckoning
Used to play with Lilone, Roguenator, Ezzen, didikillu, Azlon…
Just remembered a few names… Zan (the Scarab Lord!), Ellwin, Goof, Cyth, Emninek, Norgulzar, Seer, Kagura… I believe all were in HJ/Vanquish. Anybody out there?
What’s up! It’s funny, I kind of remember people thinking I was kind of a jerk, but seeing all these old names pop back up is so fun. I’m still sort of around and on Stag.
Hey! You may not remember me, because I think I only caught the tail end of HJ, but you definitely recruited me after I left Vanquish. Glad to see you’re still kicking around!
Welp if you run into someone on the Mankrik realm pretending to be me they’re a damned liar, name got jacked already. Got it on Pagle at least
Birttthhh. Its arrorra! Hi!
But seriously, where is Norgulzar?
I remember both of the characters!!! Add me on bnet Rekkof#1497
Few current guildies are going to start classic characters on Pagle
Nox Incurro was also first real raiding guild i hit up with Anatanen (resto Druid) and I was Creedo (Resto druid) as well. Damn I rememebr Tieranar…
Demandred (Druid) from Aion.
I see TC, anyone still around from Aion?
Tin, fish, diaz, bob, von, hanzo, dan, etc…?
Looking for my first guild. Can’t remember the name of it but it was run by a husband and wife… we Called them E and A… also looking for players who go by Blazerbeam (shaman) Cassiopeia (priest) Thraxxis (Warrior)… in case you are out there wanted to catch up and run some old stuff together…
Mer! You were one of the only people who stuck around after I gave up raiding. I think I changed my Btag and you had no idea who I was any more because it had been a while. Or maybe you were just sick of my nonsense. That’s totally reasonable too.
Unstoppable here. NE Hunter
Vengeance & Phoenix
Nice to see some familiar names
Rolling on Pagle as:
Send pst if you see me!
Prostar (later named Stylistic) human warrior /
Hotshy human mage /
19 twink warrior Pwincess
guild was Phoenix
I mostly did PvP, so most of the peeps I remember are from that:
Sanchezi, Hamx, Cheese, Elisha, Koal, Arm, Isopropyl, Cyndis, Azn, Maxsaint, Haterade, Pentatonic, Asio, Dalor, Alicia, Jaxton, Luxxie, Krillan, Blackbeam, Khiros, Acer, Adulante, Valaran, Rohir, and Julianus.
As far as raiding went, I remember mostly Phoenix members and have a plethora of screenshots from back in those days!
whoever wants to add me, I will be rolling Horde on Faerlina and alliance on Grobbulus. Jaded#1537 sorry for the wall of text!
Commander Bretticus- Druid
Had this druid since 2005. Did PVP during the day and raided at night.
Remember a lot of this names for sure. Some I would enjoy getting some Honor kills again…
What’s up, Koraviel! I remember in a guild with ya. Those were good times!!
I was in Knights who say Ni for a short period.
Just dropping in and saying hi to the fine folks of Staghelm
Shout out to the other 7 Feral Druids in 2005 lol.
Pure legend