Staghelm Alliance Reconnections

Haven’t seen Rohir play any games in years.

/Wave Tiger…
Cainman Druid
Omicron, Vertex

So I actually wasn’t here for much of vanilla. Transferred over right at the end. I was fairly active through BC/Wrath/Cata. Just seeing if any old faces are coming back or are still around somewhere. I was Swiftbow the Draenei hunter throughout most. Also played a rogue named Darksabre, pally named Pellinore, and 30 other alts. Always kept alts in the guild I’m currently in because it’s mine, but I was all over the place for a while. Helped found In Memoria in Wrath, was in Vanquish for a time, the second Heaven’s Judgement. I’m sure I’m missing one. Ran my own weekly pugs for a while, had a small crowd that would always join me for those.

Definitely some names that I remember seeing around in this thread so far. Nice little walk down memory lane. If anyone is still around or is coming back, hit me up.

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Rhoads, Human Warrior
Was in Ars Draconis and Eternal Sin


Yo Swifty! Vanelir here (I remember forming IM with you, Cloud, Kai, Prue, Rvw and the rest of the gang!)

Also, Bane/Shonassir/Aodhan (name changes can’t remember what I was at the time!) - Rdruid/Feral

I’ll be playing Pagle, likely Spriest!

Whoa! Been ages, man. That’s awesome! I don’t think my buddy and I settled on a server yet, but I think he wants to play Horde this time since we’ve always been Ally. If you have anybody left on Stag, I’m still there, but I quit every three months these days. We can BTag or something if you want to hit the old classic. I’m always looking for stuff to do.

Hyolee / NE Hunter- Omicron / Vertex

Such good memories back then, looking forward to seeing everyone again.

Gamble#11866 add me!

Oh hi Herrolee

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What up Arm! You mention sooooo many names I haven’t heard in Forever! Send me a message on btag.

Armigard, Sorry about the mix up, posted on an alt mage above. How do I get a hold of you Defonda/Yez and everyone else. Great memories, great friendships. Been too long since I heard those voices. Hit me up in game Cyndis#1390 - Oh and Hi Sera!! I see you too girl, add me like you had me /brush !


Dailin Dwarf Warrior
Started Roaddogs Would like to get I n touch with HB, Dracater , just any of the old crowd.

Oldetimer Gnome Mage
Nox Incurro
Annez (Mage Officer for Nox Incurro), Tieranar (Warrior and Guildmaster of Nox Incurro)
I started playing in early 2005, Nox Incurro was my first serious raid guild that ive been a part of until late Burning Crusade


Wyrmplower, Human Mage
Wyrmblight, Draenei Shaman
Heavens Judgement officer day one, I was one of the few that also helped other guilds and didn’t see this as an all-out war :slight_smile:
Urzhad you out there?!

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Oh no…what have you done…

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I was Jassara, my husband was Covenn, we played with Alpha, Varkas, Rohir, Cinestro, Displaced… First night we transferred to Staghelm we downed Nefarion and broke the server… good times!

Hey! I was Jassara NE Druid and my husband was Covenn. I remember you! I remember having to /whispercast you so freaking much lol.

Whats your btag wyrm?

I remember that name! Yall coming to staghelm was a little before my time, I was one of the malygos transplants that came a little later, but well before the doomfa- er doomhammer brigade. That reminds me, wonder if gwill is out there somewhere

/wave I remember you swiftbow! I had Prelude my hunter up until BC and I mostly played Sanarye my Warlock

Wyrm! I think you had stopped raiding when i joined, enjoyed HJ all the way til that Tank Garra stole the guild bank.