Stacking Masterful as Frost

If you want to be good at a game, you tend to look at the people who are already at the top of it. If you’d been on these forums for more than a week, you’d know that Keestus has been giving very solid advice for years. I don’t tend to agree with his opinions but his facts about how to play are spot on.

Sure, if you’re trying to get advice on how to be a good parent or a good person. If you want to be good at video games, you can almost 100% ignore those people.

I’d ask the same of you, because from what I’ve seen you’re sole purpose in life is to come to other classes forums and troll or spread misinformation. This leads me to belieive that you’re not overly successful at life.

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Not overly successful in life?..

I hold a degree in chemical engineering, I have a wife of 26 years with three boys, I own a business that provides me with an income in the 6 digit range, my clients have ranged from ones that I have won legal cases that have enabled my them to grown into multi-million dollar companies that employ over 5000 people when they started with 10 to my client Crane Currency, i’m a runner, I come from prestige (if you only knew) and I’m highly respected in game and out of game.

What do you have to claim little boy?

Before you say what I claimed isn’t true, it is true, that’s another trait of mine, I don’t lie.

Sit down!

This is the last time I respond to anything.

Every time I post on the forums in turns toxic, not because of me but because of the people who respond… every time, these forums are just a breeding ground for toxicity. You are all the pot calling the kettle black, the toxicity comes from you.

My god. That is copy pasta gold right there.


Ever heard of the term “common denominator?”

“No Mary! There isn’t one moron driving the wrong way on the road! Everyone’s driving the wrong way on the road!”

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Does your wife look over your shoulder to see how you act on the PC?..or does she not care?..I mean i’d care if my grown husband was being a troll :slight_smile:


Which one is it?

So that would put you in the 44+ years age bracket. Your family must be so proud that their father spends what precious time he has with them trolling strangers on the internet.

I’m the former president of a small pacific island nation with 19 grand children. Don’t believe me? I’d never lie on the internet.

Yes, clearly. You’re the perfect speciment of man. It’s the other 3.5 Billion men in the world that are doing it wrong.


That’s my problem, I have Ruffled, but rarely wear because heart on lower piece is so much secondary stats. Hell it’s the sole reason I have tinkered with idea of killing Mythic Sketra (sp).

Guess it’s just me, prefer consistent over the occasional OH YEAH.


It does feel very bad knowing whether or not a pull will be good in the first 10 seconds of every fight. No procs? No go. The big RNG pulls are fun, but they’re just so rare. It kinda bums me out going an entire raid without procs in the right places.