Stacking Masterful as Frost

Did you really just tell a guy looking for advice to look at a different mage when a mage with R1 mythic parses is in here giving advice? Literally everyone is saying stack mastery. What are you on about?


You think a little too much about yourself. Blah, blah, blah

Except he’s right… If you were to look up the “top mages” logs… You’d be looking up Keestus as he’s one of the “top mages.”

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frost mages not fire mages…

He can play all specs…

Cause there’s clearly only fire parses there. /s



Annnd now you’re just a troll. kthxbai

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no, you’re a blind follower is what i’m trying to say



My point is you don’t put someone up on a pedestal for being good at a video game, yes this is a game. You do that to people who are good parents, raise strong families, are gracious to their fellow man and are kind.

You’ve been replying for 10 minutes. You going to write a wall of text there or what? Not sure how you can argue with my point, but this should be rich.

Come on hurry up, I’m waiting.

No one is putting anyone up on a pedestal.

You stated that no one in here except one person knows what they’re talking about, then state to look up the top mages. Based on statistics, Keestus is a top mage. That isn’t up for debate. I get it that you don’t like him, but that does not discredit his parses nor his knowledge base. The fact that he even comes here to help out is something that should be encouraged, not disparaged.

If anyone even took your advice… they would in fact be looking up mages like… Keestus.

And you’re right. This is just a video game, that we all play together to have fun together. That doesn’t change the fact, that you not liking someone doesn’t mean they’re wrong. Is Keestus blunt? Yup. That doesn’t change the fact that he is here trying to help.

Wow. You’re truly a rude individual.

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You are one heck of a zealot.

Is this what you do all day it police the forums and posts.

LOOK!!! I have a right to say what I think, get lost and stop being the speech police. Kid, now you are starting to bug me.

I see you replying, will you shut up.

No, I’ve just been on here long enough to have seen him help plenty of people. Heck I’ve even added my own thoughts here from time to time.

Weird, point out where I said you didn’t have the right to say what you want?

What’s the best way to deal with a troll? To counter-troll.

LOL, you’re hopeless.

Goodbye, no more responses from me to feed your diminished intellect.

Oh, leaving so soon? Sure you won’t respond 3 months from now?

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Aren’t you just a sad little human. I used to take this game and the forums way too seriously too years ago. It IS just a game but that’s what we’re here to talk about. If you have nothing to offer or at the least think logically then just leave. You’ll be better off for it IRL.

You have issues.

Me? Do you even read what you post?

Will you climb back under the rock that you came from.

Are we just answering questions with other questions?