Stacking Masterful as Frost

For Mythic+ hows stacking Mastery gear with a bunch of Masterful rank 3. is this the best corruption at this point and is there a certain amount of crit/haste I should maintain?

Been wondering this myself. Assuming you’re talking about NoIL?

Hard to sim keys properly but even though I have a ton of Masterful when I sim something like 1 min 4 targets Haste/Crit sim well above Mastery. And you have to consider packs during Tyrannical weeks where you’re not getting the best use out of Glacial Spike but you’ll be a force on boss fights.

Yeah. NoIL!

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The general way your secondaries work is if you full on stack one the others will shoot up in value by an insane amount. This is true for Frost as well.

The No-IL build favors Mastery and scales well with Mastery but needs a decent chunk of Haste & Crit as well, or it’ll not be as good as on a mage with a healthy mix of the other secondaries.

The other thing I need to point out, for mythic+, a high Mastery build may not be the best since most of your time is spent clearing trash and once you are beyond 2 targets (assuming you have splitting Ice) your Mastery loses value since you can only cleave onto 2 targets. This is something Frost always has to find a balance for.

Ultimately for a patch like this when there are a ton of essences, corruptions, and Azerite traits there’s no “xyz” build someone can give you, you just have to sim yourself and adjust your secondaries accordingly.

NoIL does not need any other stats. There is no realistically obtainable point at which you’d choose another stat over Mastery. You stack as much as possible without looking back, and aim exclusively for high Mastery-weighted items.

Losing a bit of Mastery value means very little. Mastery still scales our FOrb and if you’ve already geared toward NoIL your %mas corruptions will put Mastery ahead of all other stats at all mob counts.

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Is there a reason to use memory of Luis dreams over condensed life force?

It’s good. I run No IL in plus and my damage jumped a ton adding 3 Masterful 3. Currently sitting at 21/21/68 I think? And the damage is impressive, not fire impressive but still very good. I routinely top against other 2900-3200+ dps. I would have went full 7 M3 but I need to save for expedient 3 for pvp unfortunately.

I pretty much always run Iris personally. In high keys even non Fortified trash has a lot of hp so its got value. CLF seems underwhelming to me. Doing 500-800k on a boss when that’s one Gspike worth of damage.

WV Major and CLF are both good options in raid. I run Lucid because I like the slot machine element, but it can be quite unreliable. It’s very inconsistent; with a bit of bad luck, if you’re playing properly by holding GS for BF procs, Lucid Major will be entirely wasted.

Basically, you’ll get to your 5 icicles faster while the major is proced. However, that doesn’t mean you’ll have a bf ready. With good luck, you’ll shoot out multiple spikes and do crazy dps for a few seconds. With bad luck, you’ll be sitting at 5 icicles for a few seconds and the lucid dreams major will be pointless
I personally don’t like it.

I wouldn’t say pointless.

With Lucid up and a lot of Mastery, Frostbolt can hit for over 200k ST if both Icicles crit.

True. Though even w high frostbolt damage I don’t like spamming them hoping for a bf proc. I’ve had quite the drought occasionally.

Though I’ve had spikes drifting for over a million now…it’s just too fun to switch specs now.

I have 36% mastery without any masterful corruptions is that worth it for the GS build. It feels pretty good pulling around 54k when raid bots says I should be around 60k. Not sure what I am doing wrong.

How do you all feel about Heart of Darkness trait?

Personally have a huge problem stepping away from it x3 because it amps all secondaries.

With one rank 3 masterful, sitting at 45% mastery. Have another in bags but waiting to get more resist on cloak as I like to stay under 40 corruption.

It’s just a grossly strong trait, and it’s passive so I don’t have to worry about more RNG procs. I’d wear three if I could, but the Ruffled Poet Blouse is simply too spicy.

Stack mastery. Lots of mastery.

Is mastery must have for frost mage any
frost spec I run?

And the talents and gear I use could be right for general use:
pve (solo all world quests even the hardest one, solo vision, assault in Vale and Uldum and M+)
PVP (Wpvp I run with WM on and random Bgs)

Thank you

I only ran Mythic + this expansion.

IMO, you maximize mastery at all cost using the GS build (with a minimum of crit/haste around 17-20%)

Some people play the frozen orb build which I am not familiar with.

Except for a one, Jacar is the only one in this thread that knows what they are talking about. To answer all your questions, look at the top frost mage’s set ups. As for condensed life force you will see a majority use it as a main. Also look at Jacar’s build, he doesn’t use any special effect corruptions, which are garbage, and uses only increase to secondary stat corruptions.

FO build will just prioritize Haste over everything else (instead of Mastery). Mastery still has value for cleave and Orb damage, but your real damage is from Ice Lances during FO and not the Orb itself so if your Mastery is low you shouldn’t be too worried.