Not the first time this is happening. I am playing on Daemoniumx-Sargeras. Running a bountiful delve. After each pull, it gets progressively laggier, and eventually game completely freezes. Can’t open menu, can’t cast anything. Only way to continue is to exit the game completely and relogin. When I do that though, of course I come back dead and lose a live. On +11 delves, losing a live kind of hurts as you can imagine. Even worse though… this happens continously so your run out of lives before you can finish the delve and you lose out on goods at the end. Lost 2 keys in the past 5 days to this. PLEASE, for the love of all holy, fix this. Game has been out for almost 2 weeks. There was many weeks of PTR for this. While you are at it, I would GREATLY appreciate it if you can please refund me my 2 keys after you fix it so I can run 'em proper and get my rewards. During RWF, this is kind of unthinkable, but here we are. Please help?! Thanks!
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