Stacked Warrior lobbies

at 18-1900 MMR the spriests i face are kind of crafty they will plant themselves in the middle of the map while they warlock, boomy , mage friends blow you up from long range.

I agree with you on that when it’s other melee classes. When it’s Warriors, the MS countdown feels unfair to me.

If you take all healing talents you can press space bar and giggle while they try to kill you for 3 mins, and just let your partner pump. Still think people are trying to parse if they sit on me the entire round.

You can also take volley sometimes, fake cast for half the bar, wait half a second to see if they pummel and recast and catch them with pre cog and a volley.

How exactly would that work with zero mana? 4 casts of Flash Heal and you’re oom. That’s not an exaggeration. SP have the worst mana out of all the hybrids. On my Moonkin, I get around 7 or 8 Regrowths before oom. Ret’s don’t go oom with the talent that gives insta cast heals because of cd. Ele Shaman have about the same mana as Moonkin. SP once again, alone with the unique 4 casts of a heal and you’re oom.

Pom cranks. Drop Mg. Play aegis. swa and lights inspiration. Its hard as hell to die.

Do you still do good damage? that’s pretty interesting

i have 40% haste im always crankin. It would only be stronger if i had NORMAL vers gear

No joke… That’s the jam. Ty for the reply mate. I’m gonna definitely give that a shot. My haste is around 32% but it’s decent.

wouldnt worry bout it 2 much. as been said before 10.1.5 mind trauma becomes so disgustingly strong that its gonna be better to drop some haste as we will have 70-80% all game.

Dang you wear no medallion? and a lot of pve gear outside of sets. That’s wild.

pve gear? all my gear is pvp.

You can do good damage, just have to make sure you don’t freak out when they are all over you. You can take improved POM and get 40-50k on the first hit I think, and just reapply on cool down. I take renew as well and double tap so it goes for 19-20 seconds. You can sometimes average around 18-20k HPS while doing around 20k+ for damage. That is my experience anyways, I switch talents around all the time just to experiement. I don’t take mindgames becuase of the reflect and its hard to get a cast off.

Can you possibly link the build you’re talking about? I can’t figure out what talents you’re talking about. I dont see any ability called Aegis.

Bulwark not aegis. i just call it aegis

Killjoy would be the person to answer ur RSS sp questions.

You mean Angelic Bulwark? I already take that one.

thats why i like being human. wearing two dps trinkets is kind of nice :smiling_face:

I personally hate double war lobbies because i’m of the firm belief that double warrior is atrocious, especially against 2 casters.

make shattering throw remove disperse