ST Druid tier set - Doesn't proc from Efflorescence

Why not?

(3) Set : Your healing spell critical strikes now have a 50% chance to activate Dreamstate. You must have the rune engraved.

Efflorescence is a healing spell that can critically strike. So why does it not proc this effect?

Probably for the same reason that dot crits, consecration crits, and other similar effect crits don’t proc their crit effects unless explicitly stated. Damage over time and healing over time effects are generally not spell crits in the same way. A crit usually has to be the direct targeted portion of the spell.

Then the text on the tier bonus should say “direct heals”, not “healing spells”.

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This is a distinction they used to do. Idk why not now

Sure. I’m just relaying how this has worked for the history of this game and extrapolating why it likely is working this way. Wrath Consecration doesn’t proc vengeance for paladins either. For likely the same reason.

There were some bug fixes posted for today, and one of those fixes is that critical hits from Consecrate now proc Vengeance.

So now we have a precedent for “indirect” crits proccing things.

If consecrate tick crits can proc Vengeance, I don’t see why Efflorescence crits shouldn’t proc this 3pc effect.

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Bump 10char

Blizzard forgot to program the interaction in.

Hopefully it gets fixed in a reasonable time.

Took them over a month to nerf shamans and hunters and p3 made them both OP again. GL.