Sr ms/os > gdkp

Seriously, not sure why people even do GDKP, when soft reserve is way superior to bidding gold, and you don’t actually have to compete with anyone.

It is very rare for people to reserve the same item, and since you can see what everyone reserves before the raid starts, you can just leave if someone is reserving the same item.

Runs are usually composed of people with mixed gear. Those well geared will reserve epics and very specific pieces they are missing. Those with bad gear will try to reserve key pieces (set pieces or some weapons) so they can get going. Someone who is playing a fresh character will not try to reserve an epic item, as this will rarely drop, and thus they will prefer to reserve something they need badly to just get some gear.

Most of the time, everyone in the SR raid gets something they need or want.


So that’s your preferred system. Why can’t we all coexist?

If your systems affects the entire community…

then no.

RMT should cease to exist!


What I mean is the SR system actually provides better chances of getting the gear than the GDKP system. Because in the GDKP system, you might always bid against someone. In a SR system, you most likely won’t. And since you know beforehand, you can avoid those situations.

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Better stop using the AH. A lot of RMT gold going through there too little bro.

In an SR system the worst players SR the same items as the best geared players because they’ll win everything else on MS>OS rolls. I’m gonna guess that you don’t raid very much.

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Actually they don’t.

  • The “bad” players will usually reserve needed upgrades to their prebis/green gear.

  • The “geared” players will usually reserve the rare epic items they are missing.

And even if it happens a bad and a geared player reserve the same item, since you can see the list of reserves from before the raid, you can always leave and find another group. In fact you swap through groups until you find. However, most badly geared players will usually want the set pieces or necks/rings. The stuff they are lacking such as helms.

It would seem you only run GDKPS and not SR. The average non-gdkp player doesn’t want the best thing right away. They want to slowly build their character. And for that, most of the time, they will aim for upgrades, which are easier to get, not for epics which rarely want and many people will want.

If you repeat this enough times maybe you’ll actually believe it’s true.

Every day I see somebody new on these forums that makes me thankful for the brain I have. Today that person is you. Thank you.

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At least AH is more subtle than 1000 gold coins for an item at level 25!

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I’m glad you have a loot system you enjoy. Why can’t I GDKP in peace?

Let me know when you finish your economics degree bro.

I said it is superior to GDKP

Like literally, you have higher chances of getting the item you want, because you can find a group which reserves it for you. People who run SR don’t like having to roll against someone, so they either choose different items to reserve, or leave.

It is superior to GDKP in every way.

That’s just your opinion. I think GDKP is superior.


1.) No threat of ninja looting.
2.) Even if no item you need drops you still get rewarded with gold for your time and effort.
3.) Everyone gets rewarded.
4.) No threat of people leaving the party.

Even if you make 5g instead of 50g, it’s still 5g more than you make for non-GDKP raid and literally everyone is rewarded. You never leave the raid empty handed.

Plus HR/SR & MS>OS doesn’t prevent the winner from selling to another player that offers them gold for it.


I have the highest chance of getting an item by farming as much gold as I possibly can (more than the next bidder) thus guaranteeing my win.

Permaban all RMT’ers and the problem is solved.


Need > greed better than gdkp, even ffa better.

Until you lose a roll and the person that wins sells it to someone that privately offers them gold.

Happened to me with Honed sword in a guild raid so I g quit.

BTW the guy that offered the gold openly admitted to buying gold.


That’s one opinion. Good thing you aren’t a dev little bro.

Well, yours got banned so cope lol.

There’s ways that aren’t gold around that “ban”

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