Squishing levels solves nothing

Simple fix.

Give back abilities aka unprune.

Distribute back evenly across levels.

Problem solved.


This exactly… They’re the ones who have made leveling boring… I’m not saying go back to the old talent tree system… but they can do something akin to it and make it more engaging in the process for those that need it.

Personally I don’t need to ‘check a box’ to feel accomplished as I level a character to end game.

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Or… you could add a point every two levels instead of breaking the whole system.

“Oh we can’t give you a point every level, so instead of addressing that, we’ll just blow up the entire leveling system.”

Yeah, no. That’s the same type of overthinking that’s the reason we’re discussing this stupid idea.

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People don’t like seeing them waste a lot of time and effort on useless things when they could be spending that time and effort on better things. Plus everyone knows they will end up messing or breaking other parts of the game unintentionally.


While I agree it has merit and that a lot of people want levels to be faster, why cant it be both? Have it go faster but have less levels as well to make each level more meaningful.

Kinda devalues levels if you gain one every other quest at the lower levels.

Blizz breaks leveling patch 7.3.5 by making it longer to level due to scaling.

Blizz farms the data showing people are leveling less.

Blizz solution is a level squish.


How about they undo the damage they have done to leveling due to scaling and actually unprune abilities?


How is it more meaningful if you do the exact same things to get those levels? The only difference is it happens less frequently, but that doesn’t exactly make something more meaningful if you perform the exact same tasks to do it.


So you think they will give you 60+ talents? Not gonna happen, you have taken a nosedive into silly here.

As much as I love the Rift talent system - by far a million times better than WoW - Blizzard doesn’t share that vision. They want simple systems, not complex ones that give players too much capability. Just a fact.

And right now at 120 levels, the system is working against Blizzard’s own desires - so yeah, I see a level squish as a very likely thing they will do.

This is the main thing I want. I’d be much more inclined to level alts again if I could just do this.


Eh, except they gave us 60 points before. 60 talents? No, points to distribute? Yes.

So I’m dismissing you right there.

the fact that people actually believe this is baffling to me. considering it took even longer to level 1-60 in vanilla than it does to go from 1-120 now but every level was far more meaningful and satisfying.

the amount of levels isn’t the only issue by far. they also need to add the challenge back to open world.

hopefully they increase the time to level while they do the level squish. and readjust the stats to increase difficulty. if i pull 2 npcs in open world, i want to be in the fight for my life again, not be looking to try to pull even more.

they also need to readd all the quests associated with earning abilities, like stances, pick lock and summons, etc.

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True story that new players are dumb and a display that shows half as many levels will totally fool them.

P.S. Have you ever heard of a game regressing to the point of having to squish power levels and then actual levels? Not to mention removing abilities and then giving them back on equipment?


The level squish brainstorm from Blizz HQ is a result of NOT wanting to add more abilities to the game.

No new talents or abilities are earned beyond level 100 since WoD So they figure by next expansion there will be a dead zone of 30 levels.

So instead of adding abilities and talents to fill that gap they are going to do a level squish.



Okay, in my personal opinion, I think the difference is that you spend more time in one zone doing the same quest line, level up once, get a new ability, and feel stronger for it in that same zone and same quest line.

So, that’s the difference. You aren’t going from Silithis to Outland to Northrend to MoP and looking back to see basically no change in rotation over all those different places. If you were still in Kalimdor or whatever for those same three hours, you would look back and see a marked difference in your character’s growth over that zone’s progression, unlike now, where everything feels like a blur of nothing.

Because getting new class perks every 2-3 levels as opposed to 6-8 makes the levels feel far more meaningful instead of arbitrary.

Performing the same task, leveling, 130 times (Taking into account it wouldn’t happen till next expansion at the earliest) vs 60 times. Which has more impact and which feels less pointlessly repetitive?

It feels less daunting to go “Man, I am only 2 levels away from my next perk” vs “Man, I am 15 levels away from my next perk…”

I get that there is a fan base for larger numbers just for the sake of larger numbers, but power is relative and smaller numbers are more easily processed and less mentally daunting even if it were to be the same exact speed regardless of numbers.


I think the devs and some players really oversell how stupid new players can be.

You hear about the dumb ones, but I’d bet you plenty are raiding or pvping effectively within a week of capping.


It’s been how long since we have received a new talent row…

It’s not fun to only get a new talent spell every 15 levels. Progression to that via some points doesn’t fix squat. In fact, you can pretend that’s already true - it is 0 difference, absolutely the exact same as it is now - you are recommending no change.

Have you even leveled recently? Feels like you haven’t. I have a bunch and every time, getting a new talent is something I don’t bother watching - it’s too rare to care.

I am a new player. Been playing since January and the 120 level didn’t bother me. Just meant I had a goal to reach. I still have some that aren’t even in the 60’s yet but I have a couple that are in the 100 (one being a demon hunter and that one starts out higher and then a warlock around 111. So don’t see the problem.


New players to WoW by now are probably MMORPG vets or come from another MMO background. Online gaming has come a long way in the last 25 years.