Square Enix fired a male victim of sexual harrassment

No, that’s you assuming (surprise surprise). I’ve never implied women do it more.

The only difference, is that women get a free pass to do it, due to people like you, who think they never do it in the first place… and you do, considering that that’s what the first thing I’ve replied to you about, until you did a 180.

Holding my own gender to realistic standards, instead of putting it on a pedestal, it’s not demeaning, it’s just realistic, it’s actual equality.


It wouldn’t matter if you were 100 years old; personal experiences are subjective and not as valuable as data and the shared experience of humanity as a whole. There is no point in life where your personal experience overtakes this.

I have had plenty of experience in my life, enough to take lessons from, but I know what I experience is only the tiniest sliver of what’s out there. If I were to live in a cave for my entire life, if I were to think that cave was the entirety of the earth, that would be incorrect. Personal experience only goes so far.

Blizzard has also been accused of sexual harassment of Male employees.

If that is your main disagreement than I will admit I spoke too sharply when I said all women believe men when they say they are abused. It is from what I’ve witnessed, and experienced, that leads me to believe women much more often believe and sympathize with victims of abuse regardless of gender. But, yes, that is mostly anecdotal.

Ok but really why do people care what other people are or are not doing?


So like in your example, you claim to have life experience when you clearly dont.

I am not talking about a term paper where you are studying the facts on some obscure topic or where you are trying to convert someone to your point of view (like you appear to be here). When you are stating YOUR personal opinions, YOUR point of view, making choices for YOUR future, you generally use YOUR experiences.

You dont get married by researching that over 50% of marriages in the US fail. You dont research that 80% of the divorces are started by women. You go by your experiences, your emotions and even pie in the sky idealistic dreams…

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Cuz the internet it’s the proof that evolution was a mistake?

As I said, all it takes it’s one stroll through the cesspool that is social media, to know that this is not the case.

There’s no other way to discuss this other than with anecdotal evidence. Just like you don’t believe my gender, I also think that anyone, when asked for a survey, will give the response that might make them look best, then promptly turn and do the exact same opposite.

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Well, to be fair, I was kinda stupid enough to make me not look the best above :smiley:

Some people still believe in honesty and doing the right thing. That MHP thing…


I mean there might be some way to look at data behind this specifically, but I don’t know what data to look it.

And sorry, perhaps it’s too dismissive of me to not believe your gender. I only try to push on that when gender is used to bolster a point, which is a form of identity politics I don’t like, and usually leads me to believe someone is lying, but that’s not nessicerily what you did.

You must fight the inner MHP. You must!

If you really don’t like identity politics, and trust me, I hate those because I absolutely loathe being put in a box for no other reason than what bits I have, a good way to go against it it’s not tossing labels.

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sexual harassment of males in the workplace is severely under-reported…


who would thought that all games companies had this kind of things… nobody saw it coming :roll_eyes:

As usual male harassment is severely under reported and mostly overlook at because reasons.

I’m sure saying this might get some atention but it’s true… no gender should suffer this disgusting behavior.


Your experience doesn’t trump my own, old man. Just because you’ve lived more days doesn’t mean you have a better view of the world. Someone out there younger than both of us has surely had more experiences than you and I ever will.

What I am saying is that your way of thinking has brought you to conclusions that are incorrect. Women aren’t worse than men. They’re not less trustworthy, they’re not more evil. We are all just human beings. Your viewpoints of half of humanity are only hurting yourself. Do with that as you will.

this was from 2019 and has only been reported by one youtuber, no major outlets, no fact checker stories, nothing, just one other mention that repeats that it can’t be fact checked nor verified. do your homework before you make claims like this.

this is a FALSE STORY

If you understand Japanese working environment……well ……nvm

I believe it.

Seeing people post harassment alligations on other games in the WoW forums, and can’t tell if they are genuinely concerned about the victims or if it is another parasitic form of brand loyalty.

I don’t know that this is necessarily true. The difficulty with all kinds of sexual crime perpetrated against men is the lack of reporting. Men are FAR less likely than a woman to report the R-word and sexual assault. This makes it very difficult to accurately assess the breadth and prevalence of the issue.

According to the twittersphere and stories from Blizz employees, men suffered sexual harassment as well. If I had to guess, I’d say it’s just as prevalent. Male on male assault is much more frequent than we know and female on male assault is about as evil as it gets.

So I wouldn’t be so sure about that.


Amazing. They flagged the OP for what exactly?