Square Enix fired a male victim of sexual harrassment

Could you link some evidence please?

Thanks for bringing this up.

There is clearly a systemic culture of sexual misconduct with gaming studios. We only hear about the ones that get prosecuted.

Square and Blizzard both ignored and enabled this stuff. I’m sure there are many others too.

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This is actually false, more women report it then men due to male pride and society believing men is supposed to accept the abuse as flirting.

I believe the male rape reports reflect this too, men don’t generally report rape due to pride and feeling weak when they admit they where raped.


Yep, it’s pretty much everywhere. Which is why the whole industry needs change.

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lol im not a paralegal, go look yourself. Google Square Enix sexual harrassment kingdom hearts 3 jesus christ

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Yeah I’ve personally had awkward comments made to me of sexual nature by women who are in roles above mine, I don’t think they meant anything nefarious by it but still made it feel weird.

It happens both ways, but seems more common for women to experience it.

I asked a question, I didn’t draw a conclusion. But you did, lol. In fact, I said previously:

great. Hope you feel you won the internet today and can sleep safe and sound. Good job I guess? lol don’t know what you really want

Oh I see. Not a paralegal just an ad man for the Quartering. Got it.

I wanted an answer to a question and got a defensive response. But it’s cool. :+1:

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Remind me what games square Enix makes?

I guess the truth is you shouldn’t play either one, but instead, you want to justify playing. WHY? Who are you justifying it to? THESE PEOPLE? LOL

If you want to play, why do you care what I, or anyone else, think about you? Go play, you freaking lemming. Or don’t.

Final Fantasy 14

Watching The Quartering try to talk is like watching paint dry. :sob:

Not the same game. Some people are unsubbing from WoW based on abuse happening in the WoW team (the rest because WoW is objectively a shadow of its former self). At least try to be consistent.

True. There is no defense of victimizing either gender, be it long term financial and sexual abuse and harassment and revenge pr0nz and pushing someone to suicide at Blizzard, or the gentleman being discussed in The Quartering’s video. All offending parties from each company should be canned.

To say just as crappy would be a far cry, but it was a truly scummy move of those involved with the situation at Squeenix to be sure.

Even if you want to try to use one person’s suffering as a counter argument to the suffering of many (neither is good nor justifiable i do repeat), it’ll then come down to which is the better game, which FFXIV objectively takes that cake.

Oh noes, say it isn’t so

Yea anyone who thinks they are taking the high road by going to FFXIV is dead wrong. The work culture in japan is so bad that people literally overwork themselves to death and kill themselves.

Sidenote: Eww you posted a quartering video.

Tip: Research potential purchases before you invest in them.

It’s not your fault if something happens after the fact with no prior history, but it is your fault if something happened in the past and you didn’t bother to research it beforehand.

Don’t just blindly follow the masses or streamers to your next destination.

Not to minimize what happened to the person in this situation, but it does seem at least a hair disingenuous to bring up a situation involving one person and draw a parallel to another situation involving 100+ and do the ol’ ‘see, both sides!’ thing.

Sort of lacks respect for both situations, actually.


Male victims aren’t ignored; men are conditioned to not report things and not to feel sensitive because it goes against the masculine “manly” image that they like to uphold, and other men don’t take them seriously if they do.

Okay then, all those ff fanboys telling people to quit wow over the actions of a few, time for you to make good and quit ff!