Square Enix fired a male victim of sexual harrassment

QA where I am wanted to unionize. We were told if we talked about it we would get fired.

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That’s illegal federally, but at work states try to destroy any bargaining power.

It’s a rough spot to be in. If you look up the old coal and railroad strikes, and chemical workers, men died for the unions.

Nothing the rich bosses hate more than employees knowing their rights.


you cant escape it so…just play what you want.

no you’ll get worse: you’ll get folks dismissing it as “whataboutism”

The idea of quitting a game due to sexual harassment issues and switching to a Japanese managed game because of that is pretty funny.


I just stopped playing Blizzard games, I didnt pre order next Hearthstone expansion, and I cancelled Diablo 2. Im still subbed for WoW, i just cant make myself to play it.
Patiently waiting I guess

I’m happy to hear that my presence on the forums was a good one. I can’t say that I’m leaving for good, but I need a lot of time to figure out what I’m going to do next. My sub ends officially in September, so I’ll still be around offering insight that no one asks for until then, haha.

I sincerely hope that you find a game that calls to you as much as WoW did at one time, and perhaps we’ll have the pleasure of speaking again. If nothing else, there’s that Discord of forum goers that I often talk in, so I’m always around.

May the winds guide you, friend.

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Is that worse, Chala, or equally inappropriate?

When did I say blizzard was safe from blame?

Reading comprehension is hard; my point was that people here at praising FF14 while bashing Blizz, claiming FF is a better choice due to these “practices” that ONLY blizzard had…allegedly.

The truth is human beings suck, this industry is a cesspool of this exact behavior, and to use this as a reason why going to FF14 or, frankly, ANY other game is somehow making a change is just ignorant, hilarious, and dishonest.

The people involved should be charged, any back-pay should be paid out, and otherwise everyone else should go about their lives and stop virtue signaling as if it makes them an outstanding human being amongst bad ones. We’re all capable of bad things, stop pretending to be holier than thou. And before you attempt to make this about you, this is about every single person pretending they’re some great supporter of justice while buying Nikes, McDonalds, and FF amongst other products.


Unless the chick was butt ugly, I can never be sexually harassed lol

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But it is whataboutism.
both companies can have issues, but one company is clearly having a bigger issue. Trying to equate them like this is silly.

typically, men that are sexually harassed happens when they are in a relationship that the crazy chick doesn’t respect lol. or from gay guys that don’t care if they’re straight.

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Yeah, like that guy is a bastion of integrity.

Give me another source.

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Google Square Enix sexual harrassment Kingdom Hearts 3 you will find other sources. The guy was literally reading word for word what the victim said. Not sure what other kind of sources you are looking for? Or are you trying to downplay it and toss it aside by using the source as an excuse?

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Out of curiosity, have you sided with the victim before waiting for the case to play out in court?

kinda like EVERYONE here is doing with the Blizzard case you mean?

Funny thing is, that court hadn’t been in session and no real evidence had came into light yet.

Also people tend to sympathize with women more then anything else. So don’t be too surprised op.

So what you’re saying is go indie?

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So have you?

I haven’t sided with EITHER. I am not the jury nor am I the judge. That’s the problem with today’s society is you can’t even have an opinion anymore without someone (like you) rushing to make a conclusion about your personality, identity, and life choices. I am talking about the story and sharing it. Just because I do that, it doesn’t mean I have to have come to a conclusion and picked a side. That’s the main problem these days is that people rush to conclusions and pick sides before they have done their homework.