Spt 17th Mega Server Merger

Isn’t it Microsoft now?

I think the name thing is a non-issue as I play the game for the fun of playing the game and I just have a randomly generated name on my main which I’d happily lose for something more unique;)

Yes unironically, u guys are the minority who actually benefit from the merge the most we would have been fine as is. Also I keep hearing ppl cry about streamer server this, streamer server that but in reality u dont really interact with them or their community much if at all.

Been playing on CS since Phase one, I chose the server because I knew “Streamer server = Populated/Alive server”, outside of dealing with Asmongolds guild group up in P1 for PVP fights and then Xaryu and his friends hold down BRM there wasnt anything notable involving streamers.

The issue is streamers live so fricking rent free in ur head that you urself cant think for urself.

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Jokes on you, can’t transfer if you’re Unsubbed.

I can’t wait to play with my favorite twitch streamers on crusader strike! Oh boy!!

I don’t get the hate for streamers

its the main character syndrome people have.

they dont have room or want for anyone to tell them what to think or what their opinion on anything is so streamers get crapped on cause people cant handle other peoples worldview or opinion.

edit to add:

this isnt to say that streamers dont attract spergs of all types that messes with server culture or whatever too .

theres not a single person on wclog named Mcßeefy so you’re good

The streamers ARE the ‘Main Character Syndrome’ you dimwit.

lol they can be ya.

more reason why other people with main character syndrome would find them so irritating.

only room for 1 main character and all that.

streamers aren’t they problem it’s the people who watch them


I don’t hate streamers, I watch a lot of them actually.

This is pretty much the main reason why I’d usually stay away from those servers unless it was my only realistic option. Though ngl I originally rolled a different server to play with some friends.

Currently new character creation is disabled so that’s impossible

Wild growth has one of the nicest communities I’ve ever seen in a WoW server tbh, only thing close was Area 52 hordeside during retail. (Before Illidan became hongkilidan and all the PVP bro’s Xferd over)

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What does that have to do with guild creation? Or are you saying that’s disabled too?

you guys cry to damn much maybe stop playing 15hrs a day and the game would be fun

I’m starting to believe Aggrend and the SoD Dev team are just experimental Microsoft-AI generated and aren’t actually real. And we’re the test subjects.