Sprite Darter's Wings

i had my character lose their transmog now twice. i logged in the the armor was back to the original look except the headgear. i don’t know why i am losing my transmog on this toon with that outfit.

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Known bug that’s been happening for months. I bought both transmog sets and both are now missing. Again.

Presumably a fix is incoming. Hopefully sooner rather than later. I do not like losing access to items I’ve purchased with real money.

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I just posted this on the celestial mog thread, but FYI the devs are closer to resolving the issue with the store mogs:

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My sets have suddenly started to go missing again as well. It was all stable for a while, and yesterday the Shop sets vanished from Transmog and Tabs. :seedling:

im not missing the set from my Appearances i just can’t use them. if i do there are there on my character till i log out. im not saying o don’t have access to them i just saying that i am lossing the trasmog when i log in the game again with that character.

That is probably originating from the same issue. I think from the reports I’ve seen, some lose the availability of the store mog from the appearance tab temporarily, some just lose the mog from the actual armor but they are still in the appearance panel, or alternatively, they are only missing so briefly that it’s not noticed to be missing aside from no longer being transmogged. I imagine whatever fix they do for the missing transmog will correct this issue as well, hopefully.

My sets are missing again!