Sprite Darter Mog Set Found

Yeah and I’m saying their making enough money

They’ve fired enough staff and still run at record profits

We shouldn’t be fuelling them at all

ESO has a cash shop, however you get currency for it with the sub

GW2 has a cash shop, but the currency is extremely easy to buy with in game gold

OSRS has bonds, you can make a bond in 2 hours and they cost like 5 bucks

WoW tokens cost like $20 bucks a pop and everything else is over priced

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You would probably lose your mind if you saw FF XIV’s cash shop. Half the people in this thread would. :sweat_smile:


Give anyone an Inch and they’ll eventually take a mile. It all starts with one transmog set…

If blizz CONTINUES to release paid for content in the shop then I should expect to pay a far less monthly subscription if not free.

technically this isn’t the first transmog things to show up in the store. There were those 3 helms from years ago that got taken down.

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I was planning to up for a full 6 months but waiting for the new mount (after the steam drake) but there is no way I’m going to do it for this travesty. What is this… GW2 or Tera???

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It wasn’t delayed because people in the forums complained. It was delayed because it was broken and not ready for release.


I wish there would be a proper Jester set tbh.

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They’ve been releasing less (and lower quality content) for years, and it has nothing to do with the cash shop. Not even a little bit. It wouldn’t hurt the game if they continued to add a few more things. It wouldn’t help it, but it wouldn’t hurt it either.

I picked up the mythic Living Wood druid set out of Blackrock Foundry just for Shadowlands and the Night Fae aesthetics and then this shows up. But I would generally rather wear something I earned in game than something I bought with cash.


Unless you work there and know the ins and outs of their profit margins and costs, this is just a philanthropic mindset you have of a corporation.

And you still have yet to explain how this is “disturbing” or “predatory.”

Not to mention, your examples are basically dead games that failed and had to go free to play.

Exactly. And that game is still successful. :wink:

That there what you said. It’s subjective to the personal experience.

What I meant was… If the CONTENT blizz releases is more often than not a cash shop item than I want my monthly sub reduced because the Content I am paying for… Well… I gotta pay for it again.

But that’s not how it works, nor how it would work. They add things to the cash shop to make more money. That is on top of the cash they rely on per month, which is our subs. They would not magically reduce the cost of our subs if they suddenly decided to release a new mount or transmog set once a month or so. Our subs grant us access to the servers. That is all. They are a business. Businesses love money.

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One mount or pet every six months is “content” to you? Over major patches and expansions that give you actual content for years of play time? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I just… I don’t even. LOL :woman_facepalming:t4:

I am very mad…

Whats the point of paying for a sub?
The money I use to pay for a subscription is used to produce more content for the game. That content that was produced from my sub fee is than added into the game at a premium price… NO THANKS

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Cash shop items are not content. They are purchasable pixels that have no bearing on the game and its design.

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It’s one that I’ve personally been excited to find in game, and it’s a bit of a letdown to find it behind a paywall.


I think y’all need to take a step back and relax. Let’s not get all Karen up in here. :wink:

Dude please dont pull me into the dramatic class just because your dramatic