Spring Fur Alpaca (Friendly) 7th day no mount?

Likely they won’t say anything, since it would count as a “game hint”.

From what I’ve heard, you need to do the turn in 7 times whilst not in a raid and you get it after talking to it on the 8th day.

Gonna be a LOT of angry people soon lol.


I got mine today. 8th day for me. One of those was a day I did it in a raid group.


it would not make sense to me if being in a raid did not count as it has so many spawn locations and it’s not up for very long. as someone who does not have time to farm something like that for 7 days, hopefully the rumour that being in a raid “doesn’t” count, is not true and just a bug.


Apparently if you do it while in a Raid group the counter doesn’t register.

So if you’ve been doing it using the group finder, you’ve wasted days and greens lol

Nothing for me…8 days

Have you been using group finder ? Can anyone confirm if they have got the mount while using group finder ?

But, they look like Dolly and Dot. How could you not care?

There is another thread that said if you did any of these turn ins in a raid group it didn’t count for some reason.

Very likely. It was a quest originally wasn’t it ?

Thanks for the info, now im glad i picked that extra flower. Now if i could just find the dammed furball. :see_no_evil::speak_no_evil::hear_no_evil:

I too will be going on my 9th day of turn in’s for the Alpaca. I submitted a ticket asking for clear confirmation as to whether or not the quest can be completed in a raid group or not.

I personally think it should be able to. I understand it is a quest, but if we are allowed to utilize group finder for other rares and their mounts such as the Elusive Quickhoof and Fabious, I believe regardless of the steps needed to obtain the Springfur we should be allowed to complete it in a raid.

I HIGHLY doubt anyone, including myself, will get a response to their ticket as they will most likely consider answering it a, “game hint” and therefore isn’t allowed.

If you did your Friendly Alpaca turn-in’s in a raid group, I would just consider redoing them all and hunting solo. Utilize general chat rather than LFG.

EDIT: I have received a response from my ticket. So, currently you cannot get credit for feeding the alpaca while in a raid group. The GM told me to just keep on feeding it, and they were working on changing the raid issue in the future.

I hope they do make a blue post about it soon, if nothing than to just clear it up.


Got mine on day 7 , make sure you talk to him again after the last hand in and he then gives you the mount. To find him I logged in every Morning ( Australian ) and used tom tom , there is a post on wowhead that shows all spawn locations , I flew to check and he would usually spawn within a hour. Happy Alpaca hunting he is adorable .

You haven’t been able to do quests in a raid group for years now. If you were able to do this one it would be an exception and I don’t know why they would make an exception.

There are exceptions but the issue is that the quest allows you to complete it, and it is not offered again for the day - unlike other quests where it blatantly fails while in a raid group.


Which particular quests do work in a raid group ? I don’t recall any.

In terms of recent, the quest for the rares daily can be completed in a raid group.

Didn’t know that but boy is there a need for that one.

The quest itself states it’s completed when you feed the Alpaca in a raid group though.

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The issue is it does complete the quest if you’re in a raid group, but (allegedly) doesn’t give credit for it. This means that even if you wanted to you couldn’t turn it in without a raid group that day. It also gives no indication that the turn in doesn’t count.