Spring Fur Alpaca (Friendly) 7th day no mount?

Anyone else do their 7th day turn in today and not get the mount? I thought we were suppose to get it after 7 days? I hope its not bugged :frowning:


Me too. My guess is that we need to find it one more day to get it? Not sure why we didnā€™t get it, but it seems many are experiencing the same thing.

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Did not get it eitherā€¦

Looked up in Bug Reports and someone said:

ā€œYou get it on the 8th day after feeding it for 7 the quest isnā€™t offered until reset. You talk to it again and it offers the mount.ā€


I havenā€™t even found one yet. Look every day usually several times a day. Nada.

Group Finder is your best friend.

Just search for ā€œalpacaā€ and make sure itā€™s your WM preference and Uldum instead of Volā€™dun.

Iā€™ll try that, thanks!

Should clarify, itā€™s under Custom. You might also wish to scrutinize the listing to ensure its been found and they arenā€™t forming the group to look for it.

Park yourself in the middle of the zone and watch chat with one eye and tv with the other.

Didnā€™t even try, donā€™t care about this mount.

Why even respond?


Got him finally, it was a group farming but he turned up in short order. One down LOL.

Youā€™re right, I was grouchy last night, sorry.


Sā€™all good. Iā€™m grouchy all the time. I can honestly relate. :grinning:


I just found it on what would have been the next day after feeding it for seven days and it wanted more greens. Of course, when I went to get more than the seven greens I had already given it and came back, it was gone.

8th Turn in STILL no mount sigh they must of broken something.

Out of curiosity, does anyone know if you just need to feed it 7 times in general or does it have to be 7 days in a row?

Hopefully not. Thatā€™d be a kind of ridiculous design if it had to be 7 days consecutively, given that itā€™s supposed to be a spawn thatā€™s hard to find (it may not be a huge hassle right now, at the very start of the patch, but itā€™s a certainty the groups searching for it will thin out a lot over the next few weeks). Itā€™d be easy for people to miss a day, and if it required consecutive days, then a lot of time they had previously spent could all go to waste. But who knows at this point?

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Problem is a lot of us have turned it in 8 days IN A ROW and its still busted. My guess? The turn ins we completed in a raid group didnā€™t count and bliz wonā€™t say anything :frowning:

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It would be nice to get clarification from Blizz about if itā€™s 7 days in a row, just in general, if it counted in raid or not. Iā€™m really annoyed I didnā€™t get my alpaca.