*SPOOOILERS* I Found some thing on wowhead

This time… I have gut feeling it may be part of Epic or heroic editon preorder

This icon here… Say it all: https://wow.zamimg.com/uploads/screenshots/normal/1124392.png

Yes I know it too small to see But Damn it I know this is tie with whole “Pirate” Theory as I ask

I Just can’t help but Theory craft of these things.

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They write what it is for. A trinket icon unless I read it wrong.

Nothing to do with a pirate expac.


Well it appears to be a naga holding a trident captive in a clam’s pearl shooting purple energy… Nagas could be sea themed, they also have alot of mucking in supporting old gods which are apparently void agents or whatever so…

I’d say the purple energy though kinda leans towards void involvement more than their sea-relationship, but who knows… these devs seem to think M. Knight Shamalamadingdong was the best writer in history, they delight in making nonsense lore just to say “HAH YOU DIDN’T SEE THAT COMIN!”

(Writing tip: You can’t ‘subvert expectations’ if you subvert expectations every. single. time.)


I be laughing if some how some how they make naga playable race given how lore is turn inside out with few changes that been happning.

rogue pirates please

Is that just a rouge class call Outlaw? :upside_down_face:

We had BFA it was a freaking pirate xpac…


Yeah it’s very easy to find something on Wowhead when it’s the top story.

And also let’s stop leaving out Wowhead’s descriptions of this icon:

“some kind of special Terrarium back piece“


Yeah, not sure why people pretend it wasn’t.
Like, maybe it’s just the people who want a personal ship that are hoping for round 2?

Or maybe it’s just more Horde-centric players, since the heaviest Pirate themes were all part of Alliance zones & questing?

(I’ve seen the comment “BfA only had Freehold” before, which I thought was a dumb comment, but maybe they were just Horde?)

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they already confirmed next expansion isn’t a pirate theme.


I can’t think of a bigger nail in the coffin than another expansion littered with pirates so soon after BFA. If it was true, might as well just call it the We’ve Run Out of Ideas expansion.

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Horde did not have much pirate theming in BFA or nautical theming really, either. It was Aztec dinosaurs. I like the Zandalari stuff but pirates it was not.


More likely Azshara related.


alrighty then…

Naga icon… where’s the pirates?

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I also have some crucial information as to whether the next expansion will be pirate themed.


We need a pirates versus ninjas expansion.

Having pirates would be fun. Having an entire expansion build around them would not be. It would inevitably mean having your own pirate ship and everyone on the dev team would keep adding on to it until it became a complete disaster that sucked up most of the game resources.

no pirates

itll be a light vs void xpac


With space pirates.

Don’t be surprised when the void lords and beings look kind of like:

and a raid boss looks like:

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