(Spoilers)Can we retcon Zovaal yet?

Hes a troll its blatantly obvious. He also thinks NFTS are good for the gaming industry.

Bye, can’t say I blame you, not much more I can say to someone who ignores obvious evidence given and frankly, I’m ROFLING at your ironic choice of exit words… off to work now, so, good luck with the rest of your day.

Jaina: “I am NOT working with Sylvanas.”

Uther: “Oh yes you will!”

Jaina: “Okay Uther.”


Kil’jaeden created the Lich King. Not the Dreadlords.

The Jailer wanted a mortal champion to be his herald. Kil’jaeden wanted a slave that would wipe Azeroth clean of all the forces that had stopped their attempts to destroy Azeroth in the past.

The Dreadlords saw an opportunity to use Kil’jaeden’s goal to their benefit, so they provided him with the helm and the sword. Then Mal’ganis lured Arthas to Northrend, because they saw in him the potential for him to serve as the Jailer’s mortal champion. What they didn’t count on though, was the Lich King being a rebellious little bugger and convincing Arthas to turn on the Dreadlords, and resisting the domination effects of the helm, thus preventing him from becoming the mortal champion they wanted.

Community gave the best idea ever that is him winning and we just move on in the reality remade. Winning against a villain like Zooval and returning to deal with gnolls just dont work.

By the way, there is nothing inherently wrong with having a manipulative, puppet master type of character if it is set up properly.

The main problem with the jailer is we are missing too much information. How about some cutscenes during his time as the arbiter that shows us what started him down this path? How about some cutscenes showing the conflict between him and the other eternal ones? How about showing us some cutscenes of his downfall and how he went about planning his revenge? Blizzard is giving us nothing to work with and asking us to be invested in this character and it falls as flat as the jailers personality.

Hopefully they learn from this and try to properly set up and introduce new characters and not just dump them on us with next to no information and expect us to care about them. It’s not mysterious when they do that, just annoying.


For whatever my opinion is worth I agree with you that zovaal isnt some gigachad galaxy brain that TOOOTALLY made everything happen all according to keikakku and its more that he tried throwing stuff at the wall and saw what worked. But thatd mean blizzard isnt just copypasting thanos (bad) with game of thrones (good) season 8 (bad) storytelling.

Honestly, Zovaal was surprised at the beginning of Shadowlands when we activated the waystone and did the whole Maw Walker thing. An all knowing, super smart villain shouldn’t be surprised by such things, should he?

Quite ironic considering your attitude towards us. whenever we try to share our viewpoint. So ours dont matter well then neither does yours. And frankly im glad people are calling bs on what you been stating.

Which created the Lich King. End of story. No helm, no sword, no Jailer of the Damned.

Except Arthas wasn’t mortal when he became the Lich King. See the whole quest about him ripping out his own heart. Kind of hard to stay alive when you start removing those organs important to pumping fluids throughout your body.

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Yeah he isn’t, and a basic reading and understanding of the lore proves that. Sadly there are way too many folks who have jumped on the 7D chessmaster train, even though said train is running off a cliff.

I feel like the saying “You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink.” applies here. I’ve lead these train warriors to the correct lore, tried to explain it, but they’re refusing to accept it, probably because not doing so gives them an opportunity to be salty at Blizzard.

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Let’s talk in hypotheticals here as we can’t know exactly what happened behind closed doors.

Let’s say hypothetically, Zovaal was setup to be penned by a specific writer who had a clear plan for the character. Let’s say that hypothetically, this writer was ousted for real life reasons, and was replaced by another writer. Let’s call this new writer… “The Snoozer”. The Snoozer had no interest in continuing this story. He was/is a petty man who wanted to tear down the work that came before him, and redirect attention to his self-inserts love interest. Instead of telling a solid story with the work that was left to him, he rail-roaded the whole expansion into a redemption arc for his waifu.

" This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental."

Your headcanon does not trump contextual evidence. Zovaal is literally telling us, to our faces, he is responsible. It reminds me of that meme about shooting someone on main street and getting away with it. We can see the smoking gun in Zovaal’s hand. It’s right there. Stop pretending just because you don’t like the implication. He is telling us. And unless we’re to suggest that Zovaal is a liar… well, there it is. This isn’t an argument. It is simply a fact.


There is no remake where we end up back to a blissful state of murder hobo. Remaking reality destroys literally the entire realm of reality and all planets, where all power, anima and souls are chained to Zovaal and he rules.

How is he going remake reality would be funny if there was a button and it didnt work.

He’s going to destroy it using the machine in Zereth Mortis and the energy from Azeroth’s soul.

Dont think they actually work with him. I gues they faked it and continued to help him a little cause they Stole Denatirus but we havent seen them since.

The only one left behind is Mal’ganis and he is just us to pay for trapping him

So are they retconning azeroth being a first one then?

When was that a thing? All i’ve ever read is that azeroth is an unborn titan of immense power and thats why everyone wants to use it for their own ends.

What if Blizzard played with time? We know that there is an even higher level of maker out there. Why not introduce the one that is over time at the end of Shadowlands? Give them some cheesy line like "No mortal should have knowledge of what lies behind the veil of death. I will sent you back in time to the mortal realm and I will leave the Shadowlands as it is for it has been healed. " With that they send us back to point where the helm of domination is destroyed. Instead of a way to Shadowlands being opened up it leaves Sylvanas with her soul intact.

Dreadqueen stayed behind as well.