The actual title for Mythic is “Guardian of the Pattern”
Can we talk about how awful this title is. I would never use it. I can think of a bunch better just off hand
% Savior of Eternity
%, Jailer’s Downfall
% Jailer’s Demise
% Eternity’s Hero
% Eternal Defender
% Conqueror of Death
% Azeroth’s Defender
I mean I’m not saying any of these are good I just came up with them in 30 seconds and would use any of these before Guardian of the Pattern.
Why is everything in this expansion so medium grade middle of the road vanilla flavored boring.
I also seriously don’t understand the jailer as a villain. All the lore and storyline and quests tell us how smart he is and how many plans he has set in motion for so many eons before our human brains could even fathom… yet everytime I see the dude in a cut scene and he talks he just comes off as a gym rat with the IQ of a rock
Dear god let this expansion be over. Zovaal competes for one of the worst villains and characters in the Warcraft franchise. Famed Slayer of Worst Villain Ever would be a great title to have. The moment he dies will be a sigh of relief for all the history of Warcraft. I will proceed to pretend he never existed and the Scourge story ended with Arthas and Tirion at Icecrown.
I watched the denathrius fight again I’m pretty sure he was at his death blow cause he did that one last “curse you all…!!!” Statement like all the other villains in WoWs history do before their deaths
Remoria says “let me preserve you master! Zovall will revive you!” Which leads to you that Remoria was basically his life support till Zovall would restore him
Had Remoria not been there yeah he would have been dead for real
More of the reason why world firsts denathrius kills had the title “famed slayer of Denathrius” and not “famed Bane of Denathrius”
Besides, that good point that he’s not dead. Do we really trust the narrative on this game? to allow us see these titles as a 100% rule, be serious Clark that doesn’t mean anything, Zooval could be alive or die in the next raid, this is pure speculation.
Blizzard even say during last Blizzconline, that they liked how the Voice actor for Denathrius took the role and that was another point to keep him alive.