Spoilers: Winter Queen has a

*blinks *

  • NATHrezim
  • DeNATHrius
  • Castle NATHria
  • “Tower of the Unseen Guests”


  • Elune
  • Eonar giving the Tear of Elune and being on ELUNaria
  • The LUN’Alai Zandalari
  • The moonbeams in the Tidesage mural of the powers the Tidemother gave them
  • The moonwells/Druid stones bathed in moonight all over Drustvar
  • The Night Elf statue in Drustvar with a prayer to the White Lady
  • ShadowMOON Clan

Blizz is many things, but subtle they are not lol


Blizzard never hass had a lot of shame whiel copying stuff.
I mean zergs are basically 1:1 copy from Tyrandis. The whole old god story is Lovecraft with just exchanged letters.
Even their whole backstory in WoW with the sunderin and such is basically ripped off drom D&D where elves were creating Evermeet and thus sundering the world after their civil war destroyed their world wide empires etc.

Yes I do certainly think blizz rips that.


Oh my god.
I always just assumed Elune came from lunar I never caught that.

Could she just possibly be referring to the Arbiter per chance?

Yes this came out well before the Primus voicelines were datamined where he called Zovaal his brother.

Also makes sense given Ardenweald and Bastion were supposed to be one giant zone originally, so Winter Queen and Archon ruled half of the giant continent at one point, a Summer Queen and a Winter Queen, so to speak.

I didn’t even realise this was made 21 days ago, my bad. I should have looked beforehand.

No worries, it’s speculation either way!

I wonder if it’s in like The Snow Queen by Joan D. Vinge, where the Winter Queen and Summer Queen was essentially the same position (in this case, ruler of Ardenweald) but split across the seasons. As in, maybe the WQ and this mystery sister swap roles depending on the season.

… although I would presume in this case neither queen is expected to commit ritual suicide when their tenure is over…

You mean in the Iron Fae Novels? They are the source for who rules the Seelie and Unseelie Courts(no previous mention of who rules them before said Novels were made).

King Oberon(originally a Dwarf/Dark Elf King named Alberich in Norse Myth) and Queen Titania rule the Seelie/Summer Court while Queen Mab rules the Unseelie/Winter Court.

Oberon being a Fairy King was invented by Shakespeare but changed into being the Seelie King by the Iron Fey Novel series.

The Seelie Court and it’s King have no association to the Light Elves it seems. It is merely half of the Dark Elf/Dwarf Kingdom.

I think if she’d be anywhere, she’d be in the the Emerald Dream, or a broader “Lifelands” plane, if such a place exists. Blizzard have said that Ardenweald represents the Autumn-Winter of a nature deity’s life cycle, where as the Dream is their Spring-Summer.

The division between Seelie and Unseelie Courts goes back into Scottish folklore of at least the 1400s. Followed (much) later by Yeats’s classification of the Irish fae. Even DnD had the split, as well as rulers for each Court, as early as the Monster Mythology book, in 1992 (if not sooner). All well before a 2010s book series.

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D&D had rulers for them!?! I wasn’t aware of that! Google clearly didn’t provide me with the info I wanted! Looking at the D&D versions they put Titania and Oberon as the leaders of the Summer Court too and simply refer to the Unseelie Court ruler as the Queen of Air and Darkness.

The 2 Courts are valuable parts of Scottish Folklore and the fact that we don’t get any proper tale of who leads which Court until D&D is most upsetting!

Although one would think that if Oberon one of the early Dwarf Kings rules the Summer Court that the last Dwarf King Gandalf would rule the Winter Court alongside it’s Queen.

The idea of Titania and Mab being the Summer and Winter Queens LONG predates those novels, kiddo. D&D alone has been doing that since the 80s. Dresden Files had Titania and Mab back in the 00s.