SPOILERS What are the Zandalari

I’m sure many do, but most Zandalari are still in Zandalar. The ones outside of Zandalar are going to mostly be soldiers under the command of disciplined leaders, or free adventurers. The first group will (mostly) be doing what their commanders tell them to do in the interest of their nation and alliances, and the second group only wants to kill things that drop epics.

Who wants to tell the Elf? You might be a mutation of a troll but your not a troll so he wasn’t your king. And he killed himself by using too much power from the Loa. :wink:


the alliance must pay for their crimes.

If you get outplayed by an idiot 17 year old who fails at basic military planning then perhaps you don’t deserve to keep your king.


I helped Jaina kill King Rastakhan but I also turned in a bunch of Gurabashi coins back in BC. According to my character pane I’m still Exalted with Zandalar.

I guess the Zandalari liked their coins more than their king.


Yes they would have been

No they didn’t. They tried conquering people, not getting along with them.

It was a short lived burst. Alexander the Great conquered the Levant and was practically invited to take over Egypt mostly because the Egyptians were tired of the way they were treated by the Persians. Then he fought a tough battle against the Persian king Darius III and won but they were fairly evenly matched. Alexander was just the better general. Then he ran into a brick wall when he got to Indus river and the Indian Army and got no further.

During the crusades the Europeans got their heads handed to them, often times literally. They got their heads handed to them again by Genguis Khan and the Mongols until the Mongols got over extended and the Europeans were able to hold them off.

There was a brief period in the Age of Discovery where Europeans had an advantage but at that point they were putting their efforts more into exploring and conquering others rather than fighting among each other.

By the time the 20th century rolled around the British then the Soviets then the Americans all hit their own brick walls in Afghanistan in failed attempts at conquest.

Yes the Europeans defeated the Native Americans who were partly neolithic but mostly paleolithic and most were killed by European diseases to which they had no immunity.

In many of those cases you can see where the people who were not infighting did better.


I think its official that Jaina is a daddy killer!

[First, an impressive list of sources and points. Well done!]

A number of things contributed to this but the single greatest contributor to China’s historical decline was the The 1434 Edict of Haijin by Emperor Xuando (aka Zhu Zhanji) in 1434 in which all contact with foreign nations was forbidden. European and European based cultures (U.S., Canada, etc.) was that this was impossible. Like it or not, the continuous escalation of science and technology meant any country in Europe falling behind would be swallowed by a neighbor who continued their progress.

Just as in 1941 U.S. was violently shaken from its belief that two oceans and a general disinterest in the affairs of others would keep us isolated and out of harm’s way.

In this sense WWII is a reasonable model for the discussion as the victorious allies that would form NATO realized that the greater threat on the horizon, primarily the Soviet Union, required putting aside differences and making former enemies a bulwark to limit the threat. Essentially, after eliminating that expansion’s big baddie, alliances were made and preserved in the face of the current expansion’s baddie.

My grandparents certainly hated the Japanese and the Germans but fortunately folks with longer visions were making the rules. So folks channeled their anger inwardly to produce McCarthyism and a cottage industry of fringe conspiracies on both the far left or right. Likewise, in wow we can look for cultists, rogue druids and the like. The parallels are quite strong.

You and Tiffany are both generally correct when you aren’t getting lost in the weeds.

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Good Bearded Dwarf person… are you playing Street Fighter on the forums? That HaDoKahmayamaya almost burnt off my eye brows!


Sure thing as soon as the horde pays for their’s. Orcs as alien genocidal invaders should be removed from the face of the planet. Tauren are cool they can be left alone. Blood Elves will be locked away till they overcome addiction or waste away. Trolls can do whatever they were the original people here. Vulpera can join the alliance. Forsaken can be put back into the graves they crawled out of. We will let Tauren decide what to do with goblins.

Or we can accept times have changed and move away from the old hatreds and be better for it.

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Yeah, how dare the alliance stop the certain destruction of Boralus and losing the war by destroying that fleet, and how dare they take preemptive measures against a corrupt king that would join their enemies (that decorated the walls with civilian bodies and destroyed two cities) for sure because they destroyed that fleet.

I have no idea what gave the alliance the idea they could come up with a strategy to prevent the horde from killing everybody. How rude of them!

Talanji should just pretend shadowlands didn’t happen too. Like the rest of us :joy:

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As an aside, my father fought through the Pacific as a tail gunner on a Grumman Avenger. He didn’t have a particular hate for the Japanese, though, and I never got around to asking him why. Possibly because of his experiences a few years later in Korea, where they were becoming an ally as opposed to an enemy, and that’s the attitude he carried with him back to the States. But I’m just guessing about that.


That was almost a decade ago in-universe, and it was dealt with already. Players need to stop being fixated on the past, though they mirror the crazies who do the same in real life…

Ah yes, how much will you enjoy that one battleground and nothing else that has been added since Battle for Azeroth? Player versus player in World of Warcraft has always been an afterthought even in Vanilla.

The “war” in “Warcraft” does not and has never only referred to the faction war between the Alliance and the Horde. Also, read what I actually typed in that quote you replied to.

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with how often literally every living thing kicks the trolls asses, I think they’re better off trying to avoid fights.

10years for a nelf is nothing

the horde that almost wiped out the night elves is out there, and the humans who tricked the king’s daughter and the prophet just to get them to start negotiations with the horde so the alliance have an ‘excuse’ for genocide? remember that the trolls didnt started anything, jaina is a war criminal and is out there, nothing was resolved, bfa ended badly because ‘‘sylvanas bad jailer big villain booooh’’ and nothing happened
bfa just created a hole and they refuse to admit it

are you playing the same game as me


The Germans that almost wiped out the Jews were out there, the Americans that dropped two nuclear bombs on the Japanese were out there… You should pay attention in your history classes. Stop playing video games and do your homework, and until you finally get a single passing grade you’re blacklisted from these forums.

On behalf of my people, and the Alliance in general…

Welcome to our world.

you clearly don’t know sht what you’re talking about

and it’s not our ‘‘real’’ perfect, peaceful world that you believe we are in, it’s wow, alliance is not about jaina and anduin, we have civilizations who lost everything and are still out there bc they have a long lifespwan…they arent humans…

maybe its you who needs to do something with your life, talking sht all day and insulting ppl while being wrong, 5k posts speaks for itself i guess…

Keep in mind, majority of both factions had signed an armistice treaty with one another to stop aggression, cycles of vengeance & retribution and halt most skirmished upon one another.

  • As for the Zandalari & the Alliance’s part — The Alliance abandoned any holdfasts they still had established on Zandalar, as a show of good faith.

Tyrande did not sign the armistice – but through her personality, actions and even dialog she’s always treated the Horde as mere sub-human dogs that need to be put down & managed as sentient vermin like the Quilboar

Additionally, Greymane noted his concern & questioned the armistice’s effectiveness, seeing it as a waste of time that would not stop the Horde from eventually attacking them once again.

If the Zandos killed Jaina after the armistice had been signed, it would also be a blemish on their honour & pride of civility too …

Not to mention, both sides had their resources heavily depleted.

  • Logistically — It would be wise for the Zandalari to USE the armistice, to bide their time in replenishing resources, repairing the damages on their kingdom, people and even their loa – and bolster their strengths for the future.
  • If they attacked in a weakened state, it would not bode well for either peoples. Talanji is not a fool – Although she would desire vengeance, she would be wise & put her people first.

Night Elves & Kalimdor

Apart from not signing the armistice – The Nightelves also aggresively hold large portions of Kalimdor now, having canonically won the 4th war in Kalimdor over the entirety of the combined ‘might’ of the Horde :grimacing: (That’s embarrassing)

According to what I’ve read, the Night Elves hold significant portions of Kalimdor such as but not limited to –

  • Mount Hyjal (Thrall was even told he would be executed, if he entered without the escort of Yukha)
  • Ashenvale
  • Azshara
  • Felwood
  • and Darkshore (with the exception of the the Shatterspear tribe, who have had enough time to rebuild an establishment – yet honour the armistice themselves)

The Alliance, outside of the Nightelves – Also hold major footholds of:

  • Tiragarde Keep in Durotar
  • and Honor’s Stand in the Southern Barrens.

So ultimately, the Horde are in no position to be “poking the sleeping bear” – so to speak …


  • World of Warcraft: Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor
  • Shadows Rising
  • Quests & Dialog.
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Erevien soloing mythic Jaina on the daily