SPOILERS What are the Zandalari

So we kill those that helped her too easy.

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Yeah, they aren’t. That’s why they aren’t picking a fight with one of the world’s most powerful mages who leads a nation whose navy rivals the zandalari’s.

Without her writer favoritism Jaina has nothing. Now that Golden is gone she can be killed actually.


Good luck killing Mekkatorque, guy’s like a ghost these days. Night Elves are like roaches, they just can’t die.

Hey, at least it wasn’t Shiba Inu.

So she ain’t a complete animal.

Granted, but Tiragarde is worse than Vol’dun.

Bwonsamdi did make a deal with Talanji in Shadows Rising that nullified that pact though, so that didn’t last long. Talanji chose to make a new deal on her terms afterward.

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The fact that she was allowed to renegotiate isn’t really the point.

Personally, I would not try to avenge the death of someone who sold my soul without my consent.

I wouldn’t even try to avenge someone who sold my Gameboy Color without my consent, and I haven’t played the thing in decades lol


Because all the characters are basically the same character now. And that character is a peace-mongering hippie. Though I am loving how based Jaina has gotten. Haha!

What is a Zandalari?
A miserable little pile of troll secrets!

You don’t much resemble a Zandalari troll, Mr. Elf. But then, it’s said your people are descended from them, so I suppose we’ll have to give you that.

Fair enough.

Can’t use my euro account here sadly so I can’t use my troll Avatar.

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If I borrowed your Gameboy Color without asking, would you still try to avenge me? :dracthyr_sweat:

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When you run a kingdom or nation, on site aggression is not good for diplomacy, neither is it realistic.

Zandalari are also in recovery not only from the war, but still since the cataclysm.

Post-4th War they probably recognize it as a legitimate military action, and therfore put the blame on Sylvanas for misleading the Horde and it’s allies to start another unnecessary war.

I doubt the concensus would be that 1 sided, there is a lot of bad blood between the factions and I bet it felt justified for many.

I… I know this is false… But I don’t want it to be lol

Did he? I remembered an offer for warchief’s soul, but she declined. I’m not sure about the book, but it sounds like Bwomsamdi freed her soul, but he did not mentioned her future generation.

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The RP message board are :arrow_down: :arrow_left: :arrow_lower_left: :arrow_right: :arrow_upper_right: I dont know… somewhere else…

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you should have said that before bfa, you cant just genocide two whole playable race and expect players to be passive about it