SPOILERS What are the Zandalari

I keep tellin’ y’all… the door to the story forum needs to stay locked.


Chains can’t hold me. I will always come back.

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She saw an opportunity for her people to have a better life. She also knew they were tired of war and didn’t want to fight for nothing.

In the end, she was right. The Alliance / Horde war was over anyway.
She knew her country, like all countries, didn’t have friends, they had interests.


It is not over until the alliance loses.

all humans must be punished.


We are smart enough to keep guys like you in a trunk for when we need you.
Sleep now, we will let you know when you are needed.

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No. I want Jaina’s head on a pike.


Well I don’t have her head, but here’s a biscuit. That will have to do for now.



The alliance still exists. It is not enough.

I’ll see if I can find some jam for your biscuit.


It’s an old saying, I didn’t make it up.

It’s fine, it’s just not true. It might be true-ish for Warcraft, I guess.

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This is not real life. People are allowed to have a grudge that spans centuries. Just ask the Amani.

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The Zandalari are just out there living their best lives, man. What’s the point of revenge when you have a tropical paradise to live in?

He’s moved on from melon chopping, actually.

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2/3 of their island are death traps. Kul Tiras is closer to paradise then Zandalar is. NEXT!

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Kul Tiras is 2/3 spooky forests and witches, and the rest is Maine. That’s not paradise!


Stormsong Valley is so much better then Vol’dun.

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Why specifically target Jaina? Last time I checked, she doesn’t represents the Alliance as a whole.

And let’s face it, BFA and SL sucks.

Jaina led the attack on Zuldazar so she is responsible.

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Yes, but she’s not alone…