(Spoilers) The Night Elves' fate in Shadowlands

So…your evidence is another of your own posts filled with more of your pessimism, theories and what you THINK will happen?

Like this little thing you said:

Wich…is a lie. Cause the narrative line is for the FORSAKEN and not Sylvanas, also Steve Danuser said on his twitter that those lines are tests and they will change them?

So…yeah. Still nothing but you ranting about things that happened on BfA and we all know about. But truth is, you, like everyone else here have no idea about what will happen on Shadowlands, much less what Tyrande’s role will be, so you can’t really tell Sylvanas will be ‘‘redeemed’’ and Tyrande will forgive the Horde with 100% sure. All you have is your own pessimistic, nihilist view of the story wich begs me to ask again.

Why are you still here? Giving Blizzard your money. If you think everything is so beyond repair, if you think Blizzard will never fix things, if you think your favorite race is destroyed beyond repair and Blizzard will only keep doing bad things with them…hmmm…a quick suggestion? Stop playing? There’s a lot of other mmos out there