Spoilers the infinite dragonflight


There’s an infinite dragon in the new megadungeon who’s…eccentric? They’ve essentially become a time pirate, gathering a crew from across the ages to steal powerful artifacts for the flight. It’s bloody insane.

What I also think is REALLY interesting is like…these dragons haven’t lost their powers at all. They’re still just as powerful, and not stuck to just kinda adjusting the threads of time. They’re manipulating them and doing really crazy stuff with’em.


Wasn’t like the entire point of the infinite flight when we first saw them to see the stuff they didn’t like that has come to pass and correct it? I always anticipated them coming back at one point after cataclysm because the bronze flight was kneecapped and am interested in how the story will pan out.

On that note we did beat them black and blue in wrath and we even killed their aspect level dragon in a regular dungeon. So I imagine maybe one day soon we will get that dungeon where we talk to our past selves sooner than I anticipated?

I’m all for time pirates though. Totally beats your traditional pirate in every way shape and form.


I’m sold on the model really, best thing I’ve seen in this game for years.

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Time pirate?

Don’t you mean…
Time Bandit?

There better be a crew of Gnomes and Goblins who are really rogue Bronze Dragons trying to counter-steal everything that they acquire.


This was an interesting revelation during the Blizzcon Online presentation. A lot of people probably want this NPC as a mount.

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Sounds fun, count me in

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I’m ready to team up with a time traveling dragon pirate.


I think it’s dumb! But I also don’t care enough about a dungeon boss to be upset by it. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::+1:

This is the campy silliness the game has been missing.


I think YOU are dumb! Not really, I think you’re delightful. BUT DON’T DISS MY TIME TRAVELLING DRAGON PIRATE KAY

doesn’t even make any sense

If Blizzard doesn’t do an entire expansion off this they hate us.

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Watch Time Bandits

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So much this. Could not agree more.


Did you just find out or what? They told us at Blizzconline.

all started with an alternate timeline, known to us as “Warlords of Draenor” who else could manipulate time itself to reveal an alternative timeline. This alternative timeline was manifested in Azeroth with the “Legion” invasion, and just when you thought you defeated this, the very sword thrust into Azeroth released N’Zoth and began a “Battle for Azeroth.” Now we find ourselves in Shadowlands each of these evil forces and those of other expansions all seem to visit the adventurer.

It would not make sense to reveal, and have infinite dungeon in this expansion. I think what you may be privy to see is the final expansion of World of Warcraft, an epic battle against the forces of the Infinite Dragonflight, who have been working since the beginning to undo what the Titans had done, on Azeroth, the Shadowlands, and everywhere else in the wow universe.

however, one could argue that it started before World of Warcraft’s timeline, when Arthas fell to the power of the one controlling the lich king, some say its the Jailer, some say it is one beyond the Jailer. I agree with the latter, and point at the leader of the Infinite Dragonflight, who happens to be an old god (or agent for) Nozdormu. Wouldn’t that make Cataclysm, and specifically “Hour of Twilight” more significant to the overall story?

I want a pirate dragon mount.


He’s in Kul Tiras. Not the Shadowlands. (Yeah I know this is kind of a necro but the point still stands)

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Sounds kind of dumb to me tbh.