Spoilers the infinite dragonflight

I played through Tazavesh once on the PTR and I’m not exactly sure what was stolen. When you face Sol’eah she’s using a powerful First One’s artifact which results in a very visually stunning fight that sets up the flavor for what we can expect from a future First One’s type raid (The Sepulcher?), but in terms of So’leah dimensional hopping, it’s not exactly clear what was going on. A Titan Artifact and an Old God Artifact are stolen, and then at the end of it So’leah is somehow in the possession of a First One’s artifact? I don’t really get it. Are they somehow puzzle pieces that fit together to open the way? We don’t have the final step of the quest for Tazavesh on the PTR so it is hard to follow what exactly happened.

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Their back? Wonderful!

I would have been sorely disappointed if a jaunt through eternity did not include a properly named Dragonflight that likewise considered itself to be without an end, even though dying in the world of death; evidently just gets you perma grim-reaped by “Super Death”. They are after all like the rodents of the Deeprun Tram. You can’t kill just one.

Dragons I mean, mind you.

Were it forum opinions, I would inquire what madman was designing this game now.

…and how I might shake his hand.

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The Titans and Old Gods have each have 1 piece of a First One Artifact while So’leah has 2 other pieces.

The 4 Artifacts combined grant the power of the First Ones!

The World of Warcraft: Folk & Fairy Tales of Azeroth book reveals that the Earthmother became one with the Planet and is the mother of Elune, An’she and the Blue Child(who is probably the Winter Queen considering the Winter Queen is Elune’s Sister).

An’she winds up wounded by the Old Gods causing him to bleed out his Light requiring healing from Elune. Elune who is supposed to be the creator of the Naaru Prime…

The Great Clash of Light and Dark that created the Great Dark Beyond it seems happened on Azeroth which was the Earthmother Azeroth’s Arcane Realm within the greater Realm of the Arcane! Furthermore the clash was between the Old Gods we encountered and fought with and An’she one of Azeroth the Earthmother’s Eyes!

The Void Lords of the Pantheon of Void had no direct part in the great Clash of Light and Dark only their servants!

The clash between Azeroth and the Old Gods of course created the Titan Pantheon we know! Of course that Pantheon pales in comparison to the Titan Pantheon of Order created(alongside the Void Lord Pantheon of Void and the Eternal One Pantheon of Death) by the First Ones!


Wait that makes a ton of bloody sense
oh my god

Two things:

A) Because time is a timey wimey ball of stuff, Hooktail could just as well be from the past before the Infinite Dragonflight were defeated. This seems unlikely however.

B) Because we altered destiny, the future which Murozond comes from will not come to pass, therefore we did not defeat the “true” Murozond but instead a Time Remnant. Murozond is the future Nozdormu and Nozdormu’s destiny has changed enough that a different future will likely spawn a different Murozond. Basically, reverse Eobard Thawne - instead of killed by altering the future, he has potentially been “resurrected” by changing the future. It really just depends on whether or not Blizzard wants to pursue this direction or not.

Interesting. Did I glaze over the details or was this from another source?