[Spoilers] The Burning of Teldrassil is being ignored and hidden from new players

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GD whines INCESSANTLY about the burning Of Teldrassil, and now GD is going to whine INCESSANTLY about not enough burning of Teldrassil?

GD is a lost cause.


I feel like you’re the type of player that if the situation was reversed and somehow the Barrens and surrounding areas were secured by the Night Elves you’d be on the forums praising Blizzard for amazing writing.

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I feel like I don’t really care what you think about me as I’m not the subject at hand.

Just don’t reply then? :upside_down_face:

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Same for you?

It was called Mists of Pandaria and it still sucked

What’s so hard about it? You’re not the subject at hand. :upside_down_face:

Apparently I am for you.

Exactly. But you don’t care. So why you replying? :upside_down_face:

Not sure, really.

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Blizzard wrote themselves into a corner and was forced to retcon BfA to move forward with the plot.

Anyone with any writing experience could see that coming. It would have made writing future plotlines virtually impossible where any cooperation was required between the two factions…like, say, for raids or other plotlines where “enemies join forces to face an even greater threat.”

But what do you want them to do about it, OP? It sounds to me like you want the Horde PUNISHED for the mistakes of the devs who came up with this stupid plotline. And not just the NPC Horde, the Horde PLAYERS. It’s like you think we had any choice in following the plotline. Recall, the “Sylvanas loyalist” crap didn’t exist in the BfA pre-patch events, which included the burning of Teldrassil. We had NO CHOICE but to carry through that quest line.

I would tell you to get over it, but you’re not going to do that. You seem to have this concept that we Hordies were gleefully running around Teldrassil with flamethrowers barbecuing baby bunnies in their dens.

Well, we weren’t. If you think back to when the burning of Teldrassil got out, the majority of Horde players were far more aghast than the Alliance players.

It’s best for the plot, it’s best for the players, and it’s best for the future of the game that Blizzard pretends it never happened. And if you wanna run around screaming “NEVER FORGET TELDRASSIL!” I suggest you make a few signs and fly to Irvine, CA and protest in front of Blizzard HQ.


It’s going to be really awkward when it turns out they aren’t retconning anything, and not mentioning something in some introductory quest (assuming any of this rumor-mongering is even true) doesn’t mean it didn’t happen in the story.

I’m just mad Sylvie didn’t enlist us goblins into burning that giant eyesore, we could’ve made that fire burn much much hotter and actually much more eco friendly. Since we don’t dabble in blighting things.

The story is so bad anyways I don’t feel like I can muster enough to even care.

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At least that would be something. shrugs That would be recognizing that the burning of Teldrassil happened. Why can it not simply be acknowledged in game? No one is going to hate the Horde forever over this. The NPCs in Orgrimmar talk about Sylvanas loyalists which is fine. Why can’t the NE get something similar in regards to the tree?

(Edit: Sorry, this sounded much less aggressive this AM.)

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BFA in a nutshell.

One leader does a thing,

Other leader gets mad, tries to do same thing as first leader but forced to retreat.

Still mad at first leader, they decide to act like first leader, commiting the same crimes. Then turn around and say it righteous.

Big scary kraken guy with his maiden arise, acting all big and tough.

Maiden gets spanked.

Kraken guy tries to “lol imma take over da world”, gets spanked in the the end.

The end.

Don’t worry, I’ll make sure every Night Elf player remembers we burnt down Teldrassil regularly :fire: :evergreen_tree: :fire: :kissing_heart:

You do realize a new player will start before this burning of Teldrassil, right?

“Muh Teldrassil”

Good god just give it a rest for once. Is that too much to ask for?

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