That’s a good point. A lot of the story we see was written well in advance. Blizz planned on making Sylvanas a big character, so by the time they see the playerbase hate how much attention the story gives her, it’s already too late, they can’t change the story now. It would screw up everything else they already have set in motion ahead of time.
So really when they try to popularize a character, they’re gambling on the playerbase actually liking that character. It’s kind of a shame though because Sylvanas was a fan favorite before Blizz gave her so much attention. Now most feedback on her character is negative and people are just kind of hoping she gets killed off.
Oh you guys can keep Baine btw, we don’t mind.
I mean it wouldn’t be her first time.
Maybe your race will learn a lession from this and won’t live in trees anymore, theres perfectly good cities for that.
Dude if i had my choice he would have been dead on sight the moment Alliance had interactions with him. I mean all of a sudden Jaina was ok with it where she was at the point of destroying all of Org., until she couldn’t because story.
Just another in a long list of wtf moments. Then she “forgives” Thrall, it was all just so facepalm. Like most things in BfA they had a LOT of ground to cover and nothing was allowed to breathe. Tyrande and Malfurion just picked their collective noses for 8.2 which was all Night Elf lore and involvement. Then somehow dumbass Anduin signs a peace deal in 8.3 thinking that somehow that is going to be ok with HIS MOST STAUNCH ALLY THAT GOT TOLD NO WHEN SHE ASKED FOR HELP.
The ONLY thing that could have been more satisfying is if Tyrande would have bit.hsla…ed him before she left the meeting about peace.
Fine I will up my deal, you get to keep Thrall too.
All we ask is that the night elves leave our ancestral orc lands of Ashenvale.
Sure, i have always felt he was lost in the Horde and should have been able to carve out a place within the Alliance. Now this is where they get to show the xenophobia of the Alliance…but instead they keep trying to run with this psuedo love interest angle with Jaina. I mean the sexual tension between the two is palpable and they seem to be never going to get Jaina with anyone, but Aggra is a sideshow and never even involved in anything other then as a D-list character to say thrall has someone.
Thrall is another nothing burger. He made a piss poor decision with installing Garrosh and then again using the elements to kill Garrosh (although that too is laughable, the elements have no problem with Shaman killing people all the time…but in THIS CASE it was a nono).
And where is he now? B-list nothing character feeling sorry for himself…it’s like in 20 years he has had no character growth at all and is a complete failure. Just left his family (i guess) on dying Draenor on a farm while he went with Saurfang.
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Carry on. I have a telenovela feeling about this.
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“Noble protectors of the living,”… I DID NOT sign up for that. All I wanna do is melt people and be evil. damn it blizz.
I don’t understand how they can pretend it never happened if its mentioned in the cinematic and its like literally the only reason at all that the poofy-horde leaders got up and betrayed Sylvanas…
But if they don’t make the Horde more morally grey like they have been trying to do for the entirety of the game (even as they perpetrate multiple mass genocides and offensive wars of aggression) then how can they have that moment where the Horde gets to save the Alliance they are building too?
You know that is what they are going with, i mean the Alliance leadership can’t save itself from it’s own incredible ineptness and stupidity. Besides the Alliance always holds the Hordes hand when it needs it…so i am SURE it will be front and center when Lor’themar and company come to hold Anduins hand so we can have another round of Kumbaya over the burning embers of Teldrassil.
Hi are you the guard I hired to protect me from the local Murlocs? Stand there.
maybe they’ll do some more retconning and make it so Sylvanas never left the Horde to begin with…
The sky is falling, the sky is falling. They’re not mentioning the Burning of Teldrassil in the new starting area. They’ve swept it under the rug.
It’s the new starting area, created after Teldrassil was burned, after the Horde had their Civil War. It is irrelevant to the new starting area. As a new adventurer your character wasn’t their for the Burning of Teldrassil, for the siege of Undercity. New Horde characters are being created under the banner of the newest version of the Horde. The one that exists after the civil war.
For us old players the ones that came before the Horde Civil war, both the Burning of Teldrassil, and the siege of Undercity are very real, and both still happened.
The issue is the story line of the burning and the burning itself took story effort and dev resources and was an atrocity. It’s kind of absurd to just pretend it never happen let alone recently in the past of Shadowlands.
Must have took so much effort and dev resources to write a fanfiction like that.
So you admit this isn’t a big deal and you’re just using this as an excuse to vent your outrage over a plot point you didn’t like?
If you think this way about the devs and the game in general, why are you here? It’s a lost cause, no?
Hmmm… I’m not sure excuse is the right word. I didn’t like the horde in Ashenvale, Darkshore and Teldrassil being burned but it happened and I think being outraged is the logical response. Not liking it is kind of the point. I think the OP is saying just admit it is retconned if it actually retconned. Or is it, among other things, just (poorly) being stealthed reconnned?
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Or maybe Blizzard are outraged themselves for making the Horde look evil. After all, their toons are…
As a person who mains a Blood Elf I think that it isn’t right that they don’t mention what Garithos did to us in every new expansion.
The thing with new expansions is everything from the old expansion has less relevance. You are demanding Teldrassil be remembered because Dev’s put time into its development. Yet are okay with everything else the dev’s put time into being swept under the rug.