[Spoilers] The Burning of Teldrassil is being ignored and hidden from new players

If the writers invoked such a strong emotional reaction from you then they did the job right and 10/10 story telling

Yup it’s an old one.

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I think they’re talking about gameplay feedback. The only time I’ve heard them take story feedback was when the Horde players took off their shoulders for Saurfang.

I think they rarely take story feedback because it’s much harder to take story feedback. I mean this stuff is plotted way in advance isn’t it? So if you change one thing, you could very well be screwed with the story way down the line.

They changed Yrel and Ji because of people complained.

Can’t what be said?

I don’t understand what you are saying, sorry. Can you rephrase that?

Have you even looked at the picture the OP posted? It looks very much like they want to leave it out as much as possible.

A new player will go through the new starting area, then they’ll get dropped right into Boralus or Dazar’alor. They won’t even do the Undercity scenario or get the Heart of Azeroth.

The first time a new player might hear anything about the burning of Teldrassil will be partway through Shadowlands when Tyrande shows up. And given how they’ve handled Tyrande in the last few expansions, I have zero hopes that the Night Fae stuff will amount to anything.

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Listening to Horde players taking off their shoulders is akin to listening to trade chat for class balance.

So they should listen to story feedback if they gave in to such whimsical actions.

You said the alliance player had no idea Sylvanas was doing stuff. Can’t that be said about Horde players not knowing about Tyrande’s ritual or did the Horde player see that? I only did that one as alliance.

The Sylvanas stuff leads into the next expansion. The Alliance has no idea there’s anything wrong with the afterlife until after Sylvanas rips apart the Helm of Domination.

Does the Horde player even know about that? She left before that happened, right? I haven’t done the shadowlands intro stuff since I have no access to Alpha.

I thought no one knows about it?

It’s really hilarious how people don’t seem to be able to differentiate a narrative from a perspective versus what is official lore.

Of course The Horde side of the perspective is going to gloss over what happened, especially after having a civil war over it and the side that supported doing it being the losers.

All y’all will do anything to play victim.

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At the same time wow isn’t FF14, it never really tied the story hard to it’s gameplay.

Moreover, do we stop at Teldrassil? When to understand Sylvanas character you would need to go back to Wc3? Or when the Alliance attacked first in Stormheim? Or that the Forsaken joined the Horde out of survival because the Alliance wouldn’t take them.

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The Horde attacked first at Ashran. I can forgive forgetting that since it was never brought up again, like most of WoD.


Horde conveniently forget that point to feed their anger


I think they just should’ve had Chromie show up and go “HEY GUYS, I accidentally messed up the timeline and BFA never happened? OOPSIE!”

That would be better than some whitewash. The Alliance will probably forget Teldrassil ever happened as well.

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Oh come on.

That burnt out stump of a tree-island is being saved as a raid tier or zone for a big patch into Shadowlands.

I would rather prefer Siege of Dirtymar V2.

Pfft. Alliance will never take and hold it with Anduin around.

Unless Blizz whacks you with the villain bat.

Damn you got me there. Anduin would rather destroy Azeroth than harm Dirtymar

It’s not nearly the same thing. Alliance players are doing ALLIANCE content. The Death stuff is BfA content that has implications for BOTH FACTIONS and into the next expansion.

The Tryande questline is all about Alliance getting the Nightwarrior customization or you wouldn’t even bother doing it ever.

I mean we can go back and forth about what content is faction specific, but you can’t have one side know about MAJOR plot points all the time while the other one twiddles it’s thumbs moving the story from plot point to plot point being complete morons. Like i said, as far as the Alliance knows once Sylvanas left, there is nothing wrong, everything is just fat dumb and happy. Of course Anduin is a moron so it’s not like we would know any difference anyways that he wouldn’t just say let’s sit around a campfire and sing kumbaya to his blight buddy Baine.