Blizzard has no respect for night elves, that is completely obvious. Imo best designed captain city, beautiful music, aesthetic in wow. It’s really a shame how crap they’ve been treated.
I will always stand by Night elf brothers and sisters.
Blizzard has no respect for night elves, that is completely obvious. Imo best designed captain city, beautiful music, aesthetic in wow. It’s really a shame how crap they’ve been treated.
I will always stand by Night elf brothers and sisters.
It’s things like this that make me think they’re gonna give Sylvanas the she was the good guy all along treatment plus remember when everyone called it out that she’d burn the tree and Blizzard went “Well you will have to see” I don’t have to wait when I know it’s gonna blow.
Does this means that, canonically, all those night elves are still alive?
Because then it is good news lol
I remember Teldrassil.
No, they are still all dead and in wow hell forever, that’s the problem.
They didn’t retcon it, they just chose to ignore it and leave it to rot so that all the bad things are still there for the night elves
I will avenge you in game killing every forsaken I see.
Also /spit and /fart
Guilneas x Teldrassil forever
This is par for the course. Once you realize Horde bias is real, every story becomes predictable dreck and you can never go back to the youthful days of blizzful ignorance.
See that typo there? Heheh. Anyway it’s terrible.
They should just stop writing a story really. It’s become so bad that I don’t even want them to continue with the story. I’d be happy if they just retconned everything back to Cata and the leaders just sat in their throne rooms doing nothing and you just had little quests in each zone to complete.
That’s literally how bad it’s gotten, I don’t want any more story from them.
I kind of miss when we did dungeons “because there’s monsters and bandits in them” instead of some kind of overarching story narrative. The zone-wide story was there for VanCleef, but for the most part, people hit the Deadmines because it was full of bandits and they wanted revenge for all of those pillager’s fireballs killing them and wasting their precious silver.
Part of why I’m looking forward to Torghast. I’m ascending the tower with bloody murder because it’s full of spooky, animate armor and I don’t like them.
I still miss Murmur. I killed him a lot but he was just chillin in his pad, tbh.
Hell yeah. He rang when you hit him, and had 20% health. We can’t let him fully heal, then he’ll be unkillable! The hell with that guy.
We need Mother of Murmur!
Anyway, back to reality. Teldrassil! /nelfrage! I want blood! BLOOOOOD!
Combine Horde bias with extreme hatred and disrespect towards the night elf fanbase specifically.
It’s not removed (thankfully as Shadow lands wouldn’t make a lick of sense without this expansion) but any mention of it is being removed from BFA selectively for players starting in the zone. My problem with it is this: it wasn’t necessary, there are literally any number of zones truly new players can start in and could be placed in/allowed access to themselves WITHOUT ushering them straight to BFA and KT/zandalar which are widely considered some of the most confusing racial hubs layout wise and are far too late in the story to not require reworking, and anybody experienced enough to go straight to KT/Zandalar basically already knows the whole plot. Aren’t even the troll missions in Stormwind level locked? if so even if we sent them there they’d just be unassociated random NPCS just like any other. Naturally somethings just won’t mesh well if you try to boot the audience to the very ends of them and go forward, no one starts a book from the end or a movie so why an MMO?
You have that right we went with the NE to help. I was glad to see us there supporting them as it showed we remembered who helped us.
And Blood elves don’t hate the alliance? I see several of them painted in purple clinging to the legs of paladins and wizards.
Creating a lore out of nothing to justify this placebo is simple.
Create one so that we would have a race of giant Vikings? Very difficult!
So let’s replace it with a race that we will henceforth pretend to be mechagnomes, something they are not! They would be better described with cybergnomes but blizzard prefers to call them Junkgnomes believing that the alliance and other players are too dumb to see that they are not what their name denotes.
Just like the story with purple blood elves that for some reason are not blood elves because they are purple.
Boy, please !! The horde made a sneak attack on Stormwind, rescued Talanji, set our city on fire and fled our squad.
All because Blizzard wrote like this! If Blizzard wants to, the horde will burp a fleet in one night.
The old god N’zoth? Are you seriously implying that the Alliance beat N’zoth ???
Beautiful delirium, but the defeat of this super tick is a merit of Azeroth’s forces as a whole and not something done by the Alliance.
We cannot claim this feat for something done by the alliance and honestly, nothing in this raid is worth one: poop :, as it is a version of Dragon Ball + Lord of Rings: The King’s return.
This is more a reason to feel embarrassment than to enjoy wasting time doing this raid.
I do not demean myself to do all timegate, look for cover, resource farm to do something related to 8.3, after everything I saw in Sadfang cinematic.
I didn’t step on that raid. I went to farm gold and create 3 vulpes.
If Blizzard felt lazy to do something better for ally, I went to do more rewarding things than following this ridiculous 8.3 lore.
You have no idea what you’re talking about. His notion of chronology is no better than that of the devs who invented purple blood elves out of thin air.
Blood Elves don’t hate the Alliance though.
Lore isn’t just made out of the blue, just so it can satisfy you. Even when made from scratch, it needs to match.
Well yeah. They freed a prisoner, who really wasn’t guilty to begin with.
That was Zul, and he hurt the Horde too.
They are mechagnomes, the superior version of the mindless automata. The blending of organic and synthetics.
I know you’re made because you can’t self-stimulate your gonangium to them, like with Kul-Tirans. And that Void Elves are too ‘dark’ for you.
People who were a part of the Alliance helped defeat N’zoth. Ergo. Alliance defeated N’zoth. I recall a cinematic with Anduin and Wrathion.
The whole clowning with n’zoth was conceived and performed as if performed by a gorilla playing the piano with a boxing glove.
You claiming that this is ally’s victory is like Jimmy Olsen claiming to have participated in the fight against Doomsday just because he was there.
And again, the alliance won nothing! It was a victory for the Champions of Azeroth faction. Not from the Alliance faction.
We were lucky to be there.
The Horde destroyed one of our capital cities, our union was very fragile and the alliance is reduced to a joke that is there to be a mere narrative resource of the horde and to have races that only serve to be a comic relief and to highlight the ridiculous state to which the devs insist on keeping ally, who fights BfA with no merit at all accomplished in BfA and just feeling hollow.
we continued without winning the horde at all.
Nowhere in Azeroth shows signs of victory for the alliance and the thing is so despondent that we have to be informed by the devs that we beat the waefronts, or no one would know.
Even battlefronts are disheartening because everything we conquer fram ruined areas in battles with the horde.
Darkshore was made a playground for the forsaken.
Even Gilneas could not recover. Teldrassil will remain lost.
We have nothing to present as a positive result or a retaliation that the horde feels.
And if Blizzard imagined that something like this would do something other than bring apathy and ostracism to ally, I wonder what the new joke we will have to play in Shadowlands will be.
They should just say BFA isn’t canon anymore, they have to hide their shame someway somehow.