* Spoilers* Sylvanas dialogue redemption?

Just a note, mind that Wowhead’s transcription contains a few errors that impact the meaning of the dialogue. This line here:

should be “Forgiven, for the atrocities he forced me to commit against my own people…”

I suspect the first two sets of dialogue are actually one, as that makes more grammatical sense, so it should read like this:

I’m pretty sure this entire passage is referencing Sylvanas’ failed attempted assassination of Arthas in Warcraft III. There’s no mention of forgiving Arthas, that’s entirely an error on Wowhead’s part.

As for the second set of dialogue, there’s some errors about who is speaking which line. “We cannot allow that to happen” is said by Bolvar, not Uther. Uther then has a line that is missing from the transcription: “Tell the others what you told me.” The complete conversation should read like this:

It’s all but confirmed that he is, the raid journal entry for Anduin states that that the source of his domination is the “Remnant of a Fallen King,” who uses several death knight and Lich King abilities when manifested during the fight.


Which explains why they’re placing Anduin as the final boss of the raid the first week of the raid

To allow for canonical passage of time

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Yes. I believe there was some mention of something to that effect in the various 9.2 announcement press interviews, though it was vague. I’m assuming that there’s some significant story quest content between Anduin’s boss fight and the next part of the raid. Maybe something to the effect of go save Anduin, bring him back to the base of operations, see if he has any useful information that will help with the rest of the raid, and then apply that knowledge practically somehow before engaging the final three bosses. It also means we have a good potential spot for a mid-raid cinematic.

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They seem to be having the Primus forge an artifact called the Crown of Wills which makes you impervious to Domination magic, I guess they need Anduin or something he has (like his sword) to make it.

So, the Warcraft equivalent of Magneto’s helmet?


Well… basically yeah.

Honestly that makes a certain amount of sense, when one is dealing with headgear-based mind control. Also, if the Primus needs something Anduin has on his person, such as his sword or his new armor, in order to make something to counter Zovaal’s control, that would make Anduin being key to our plans make more sense.

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I hope this all leads up to Sylvanas and Arthas (wearing a reforged helm of domination) teaming up to take on the jailer. So much emotional material they can work with here for a great outcome. If Sylvanas can bring herself to see Arthas in a different light (given how we know the jailer is largely responsible for all this) then it’ll be an awesome way to bring the whole lich king story to full circle.

This doesnt make any sense, Uther.


No, wait, I think I might understand what he’s getting at. We already know that anger can sometimes help someone break free of being dominated, it happened with Darion in the death knight starting zone, and “We Ride Forth” even brought that up by having Darion say that “righteous anger” kept him from falling back under the Lich King’s control during Wrath. Uther might be hoping to do something similar, to weaken Zovaal’s control by provoking Anduin to anger with Sylvanas’ presence. It’s not a nice thing to do, but it might be effective.


Doubt, brooks left

Brooks wasn’t on the game team though, was he? I thought he was S&FD. I know he didn’t only write material for WoW.

In any case, it’s not like the game team hasn’t been having Anduin retread material from both Sylvanas’ and Darion’s character arcs this expansion, and both of them are right there already to provide insight into their own escapes from being dominated. That first bit of datamined dialogue might even be Sylvanas doing exactly that. Sylvanas broke free of the Lich King when he was attacked and losing power, which probably isn’t an option for Anduin considering the raid boss order, but Darion broke free partially because Arthas hit his berserk button by messing with Alexandros, and it’s theoretically possible that we could anger or upset Anduin if we could just reach him. Of those two paths, attempting to provoke him is probably the easier option.

This of course is just me speculating based on what information we have, but I can’t help thinking that Uther’s mentioning of Sylvanas’ specific crimes against Anduin, that she “held the mourneblade that bound him,” isn’t because he thinks Anduin will see Sylvanas as a friendly face.

Interesting. That does make more sense.

Out of context, it seemed like she was saying something about the Jailer. But you could be right.

Maybe because she was able to wield it at all, means she knows how to hold it at bay. How to control it, or negate it.

If Arthas is in that sword, she was basically wielding Arthas against Anduin. She may have some resistance built up.

Sylvanas and the Forsaken proper had a knack for acquiring lots artifacts that they could use to their advantage; the Crown of Will was one of the items I was sent to retrieve.

Not really considering the last time they interacted he was still not “angry”, but rather just done and defeated. He was never really angry with her nor will he be.

I wouldn’t say never, he is capable of spurts of anger and we did see him getting angry at Sylvanas before he was dominated, but I agree that it wouldn’t necessarily be a successful strategy with Anduin, given his general temperament. That’s just a matter of the characters being different though; Anduin is known for usually being able to keep his anger in check, while all the Mograines are known for having the occasional very loud outburst of anger. Uther doesn’t know Anduin personally, he wouldn’t necessarily know that such a strategy might not fit Anduin’s usual temperament.

I will also note that it makes sense for Anduin to feel defeated in the last cutscene we saw him in, due to how dire his situation is, trapped with no real hope of rescue or escape. He might feel differently if there’s a raid group in front of him trying to rescue him and Zovaal’s not there to interfere directly, like in Sanctum of Domination.

I have a suspicion they are going to let her “kill” the broken remains of Arthas within Kingsmourne and thus finally achieve some semblance of true closure. That closure will cause Sylvanas’ now intact soul to loose its last fetter binding it to undeath—She will be finally free of her curse and able to be judged by the Arbiter at the end of 9.2

The poor Night elves . Everything it’s in flavor of Sylvanas . The whole story . I am tired of this… Sylvanas it’s just a single character … Not sure who decided to come with such a story .
The whole thing with the mind control - why it was never shown to us ? Into the game ? Or if it were just like a riddle from just a whisper (void).
But no … „I was mind controlled , I am so innocent. I said to my people that they are „nothing „ . Poor me! „


Sylvanas is a victim, full stop. It’s time for Zovaal and Arthas to pay for what they did to her body and soul.


The irony of this statement. :rofl:
Its like getting a glimps of Danuser’s mind.