[Spoilers] Shadowlands Alpha Thread

my personal favourite is

“I’ve sacrificed bounce everything bounce what have you bounce given? bounce


They just ate a succubus and are trying to show the new fel adaptions off.

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Vanilla Sylvanas model:

“What joy is there in this curse?” bounce bounce bounce


WoW is the first and only game I’ve ever played female characters in on the regular because of how bad the male models are.

They’re atrocious caricatures.
And I will never stop pointing out how the popularity of the male Thalassian elf model is less because they’re “hot” and more because they look more human than the freakin’ human models do.


I hope the Beta shows up in the WoW Client.

So far Shadowlands looks very promising.

Beard elves, yes. Though I wish they’d allow bald options for like, literally all races and genders. …cept the uh, ones with fur because bald would be kind of horrifying on them.

I’d imagine bald pandaren women would look like a shaved Sandy Cheeks.

…annnnnd just like that I only now realized after 20+ years of Spongebob that Sandy’s name was a reference to getting sand stuck to your buns. The things you become privy to when you’re not even trying.

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If you put one of those old vanilla wizard hats on them, not only is it hilarious, but also shows you how they’d look bald.


I’m currently fighting to get the image out of my head kthnx. ;_;

Here’s a hairless bear to help even further:


This is great news because now the Blood Elves look more manly now with Beard Options.

Sweet googly moogly, it’s like a damn badger that’s trying desperately not to walk like a man yet still would really like to consume your face. Thanks, I hate it.


Finally proper Belf beards. I no longer have to imagine it lol.

I know what you mean, daddy-beard for my Bloofadin asap.

But honestly, the shoulder mog thing is what has got me most excited thus far. Asymetrical Mogs forever!

these and the new female belf options are nice, but i’m definitely hoping for more. Actual facial hair is neat, but only 3 options? And one of these hairstyles is almost exactly one we already have with a hairband added, which is nice, I guess.

Not my favorite set of new options, personally, but I assume there’s more to come.

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Don’t mind me, I’ll just be over here in the corner, idly dreaming about giving Sairelle a pretty princess tiara and golden Sin’dorei necklace for the next six or seven months…


I hope that I can give Dawnblood a mustache. Tyrants need a proper athorative mustache.

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I’m not going to lie. I kind of want to make a blood elf with the Johnny Lawrence haircut that they have going.

Is it wrong to want to start Dragonhawk Kai?

(Humor): One step forward, two steps back. Did you see that male Blood Elves also have body jewelry options datamined?


I dunno how to feel about this. Not my cup of tea but still kinda cool to see the new customization options really branching out and the Art team going full send.

Male pandaren body jewelry when?