[Spoilers] Shadowlands Alpha Thread

Now give us a hyper decay option.

:bone: :skull: :bone:


Blood Elf lady hair:

There are way too many earring option so click the link XD

Ear Size:


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So many BE ‘noble’ women are going to be sporting that tiara hair style LOL

Im both pleased with the middle decay and disappointed its not literal ‘middle’ decay like a missing section of stomach and chest where you see their ribcage and stuff


Not sure how I feel about ear lengths. The extremely long ears (and eyebrows) were something that really set Warcraft elves apart from Tolkien elves in my mind, and I preferred it like that.


Altielle just beat me to it, but I also have mixed feelings on the ears. It’s one of those iconic Warcraft twists, I feel, and though I like player choice wherever possible, this feels a bit odd to me.

It’d be like, I dunno, giving orcs a no-tusk option or making a tauren/draenei with feet instead of hooves. It just rubs me the wrong way in a manner I can’t fully explain.

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Joking aside, I agree, not to mention the long ears was something that should stay with the Night Elves fantasy wise. But it is what it is.


What void monstrosity is this?

I surrender! Just make it stoooooop!

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So they’re also datamining that Void Elves have different eye color options.

So… :woman_shrugging: :woman_shrugging:

Dude an option of decay would be really appreciated because the only real option we get for that is on the face. A hallowed stomach sounds awesome

Neat, so there is some AR customization coming?

While I didn’t really expect it, I’m a bit sad that void elves can’t have completely black or void purple or that dark-and-starry-void-pattern eyes, to lean into the spookier side of their presentation.

If the eyes are the windows to the soul, then what better for void elves than to have mere voids where there eyes are?

(Though maybe Blizzard realizes they can’t do this after removing the First Aid profession, because everyone would get cut by that much edge.)

were void elf eyes not already blue

It would be silly for them not to expand on them a little since they’re revamping and separating assets in general already. They’ll probably throw in a few easy ones (eyes, hair and skin color) while withholding more difficult ones for a future patch.

Was on the stream a bit, but at one point he was tinkering with the Zandalari so they might be getting other options? Iunno, kind of zoned out. I think they one just discovered that for the Void Elves because they were seeing if the color option sliders were available for them like they were for Blood Elves.

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C’moooon charcoal nightborne skin… charcoal nightborne skin!

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Nightborne men are raisin people.

They don’t matter because I don’t play them and Blizzard should specifically cater only to me.

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I feel the same way, and honestly I don’t understand why they have made all this garbage for humans and elves and whatnot instead of making Draenei males more beautiful

Like what the heck we’re literally the only race with nothing but a couple new skin options datamined so far