[Spoilers] Shadowlands Alpha Thread

We cant make highelves till they perfect the grape koolaid teeth technology


Let’s talk about PvP vendors. They letting us buy mounts again or what? I’m happy about the vendors in general, but I’d really like to be able to choose a mount. I wanted to really do rated pvp in BfA, but the game became not fun for me and I left before I could do anything meaningful and only got to 1600 on my warrior. From what I’ve heard corruption has made rated bgs a mess too. :c

Ideally I’d love to actually get off my butt and do SOMETHING PvP oriented in Shadowlands, and from what I’m seeing the changes/revisions might make that possible.

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Bring back the towers and the free for all arena from legion. Those were a blast and helped you get pvp resources

I’m fine with that but don’t add voice lines that play every time you accidentally fly near one

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The amount of rage whispers we got for actually defending the towers is still one of the highlights of Legion for me.


Oh yeah. It was an absolute delight to lurk around and ambush people who were just hoping for a quick run.

Mind you, since I am bad at PvP, it usually ended with me vanishing and running away.

But I made time for stealth-headbutting people off cliffs in Bareback Brawl.

The cities don’t seem that out of date to me, imo. Silvermoon and Exodar are the ones that badly need an upgrade.

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I ran a mannoroth/prydaz legendary build as prot and just sat there for HOURS.

Ironforge is a city that has probably aged the best…

But yeah, a 2020 updated city of Silvermoon/Exodar would be reeeeeeally nice.

Seeing all capital cities receive the Suramar treatment would be amazing.

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Imagine if they make the exodar actually fly and the crater has a small town in it.


Virgin Dalaran vs. Chad Exodar

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Remember that obnoxious goblin mage that turned out to be a huge bigot? I remember him camping the warden towers with a friend or two to kill people who just wandered in solo.

I went out there to help someone and we gibbed him and one of his buddies started emote spamming us from up on his mount too far away to get shelled B)


The only bad world pvp content from legion was the timeless shore or whatever the naga beach one was

For me it isn’t so much that they are out of date, just that… stormwind has a terrible aesthetic. The cheesy disney castle theme bothers me and I guess I have a vague hope that if they redid it they would give it the cool industrial revolution look of Gilneas, or the grittier look of Boralus, or just add enough architecture from other races that we could distract from the ugly white and bright blue.

So really it isn’t that I think it is too low-rez, I just don’t want Stormwind humans to be the primary aesthetic of the Alliance anymore… not gonna happen I guess, but still. Humans will always be the face of the Alliance, and unless Stormwind is suddenly switched with Gilneas, Boralus or Lordaeron that face will always be a dorky one adorned with bright blue, white, and gold


This actually reminds me of one of my biggest gripes that covered both legion and bfa

Flying severly impacted world pvp

One chapter out of many in my authored book; Flying Was A Mistake

Yeah, Stormwind has a pretty distinctive Franco-Germanic visual language that you can’t simply just toss aside - it’s just as much a character design as a landmark. An upgrade might be something a bit more elaborate in the way Stormwind got an overhaul in the Warcraft movie, but I don’t think you’ll see the idyllic parapet-and-buttress overtones going anywhere anytime soon. :stuck_out_tongue:


Why wouldn’t the loa of death play a big role in the realm of death??!!!


He even mentions that they plan an expansion 2 expansions out. Like, guys, comeon lmao

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If you want to live in an ugly ramshackle city, the Horde is waiting for you.

they day they add blood draenei to the Horde is the day I abandon this disgustingly clean and sanitized faction forever

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