[Spoilers] Shadowlands Alpha Thread

I’m just kinda… I dunno. Tired? Unsurprised?

We literally just got over the pantheon itself with Legion and now there’s a new pantheon that’s looslely parallel to the old pantheon that we already like… Never really addressed or had any meaningful revelations / interactions with.

Is the Jailer gonna remove the big sword? Is the death pantheon gonna suck up all of Azeroth’s azerite I mean, anima?

Does the jailer also have a big sword?


that’s slightly better (even though the phrase ‘post launch’ has lost most of its meaning) but I hope they are class themed, but not class locked. sometimes I want to be a warlock that isn’t black/purple/green and covered in skulls and horns, or a rogue that isn’t black or red and covered in knives

really, my biggest hope is that they aren’t gated by RNG. I don’t want to re-run content over and over and over again, once per day or week, to collect the gloves or shoulders im missing when I keep getting pants over and over again

It’s weird to me that the Alliance can win literally everything and still not win the war.


Blizzard is so subverise and genius they reversed “win in the game, lose in the cutscene” to “nothing in the game matters, only whatever we tell you on twitter”.

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What in the heck does this mean?

Maybe with folks hating on Hunter sets. They want to make folks excited for a Hunter set instead of disappointed?

Real talk, I’ve only seen folks excited for one hunter set and it was the elf ranger one from Legion.

not a lot of people have liked previous hunter class sets. likely because of all the classes ‘hunter’ covered a lot of ground as a theme and there’s little way one set can cover everything

and hunter sets are just kinda bad. whether its because they always have a raid boss head as a hat or just…a lackluster theme

but Autai is right, everyone loved the legion ranger set. its simple and elegant, and there’s quite a few good ones too. just not…a lot

Personally love the Beastslayer one from Classic and the recolored ones from WotLK Naxx. (I think it’s called Beastslayer…)

Gunna have to be in the minority here, but I disagree. Yeah, there are some bad hunter get ups, but to blanket say they are all lackluster seems a trifle…can’t think of the word.

I enjoy the hunter sets, and if 98% of sets weren’t ruined by the male pandaren gut, I’d mog a lot more of them.

Guess I’m a little biased, but I’ve heard more complaints about mages having to wear robes than hunters wearing the skins of their kills.

EDIT: Autai you’re thinking of CryptStalker. Thats the t7 from WotLK Naxx.

Yeeees! Best hunter set.

Well if they would separate the top from the bottom it wouldn’t be an issue >:( I enjoy having legs.

With hunter sets, a plus with their sets is it’s pretty easy to mix/match them.

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I agree. For example, my set currently is actually Delaryn’s (or as close as possible) post resurrection. But, I also like to mix and match other sets where appropriate. I don’t run full sets as much, but I generally follow the rule of no more than three pieces of a specific set, which has led to some nice combos.

As I said, male pandaren tend to warp a lot of good mogs by ruining the chest portion. On other races, I find going full sets a lot easier, and enjoy it. Surprisingly, the Uldir set is nice as a stand alone mail set, along with the Hellfire Citadel sets. I remember during WoD I was running the Demonstalker as a whatever I was.

I mean, I can’t judge other people for their tastes. If you don’t like something, my large pandaren butt won’t convince you otherwise.

Also, Autai, there are some shaman sets that have the skirt seperate. I don’t know why mages can’t also have that. I remember the Ulduar set was pants and people didn’t like it, but I’d think pants would be more comfortable on a battlefield than a robe.

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Theoretically we’re gonna spend most of our time in Oribos, but with no assets being datamined for it I’m beginning to doubt that it will be a full-fledged hub city… if it gets cut or just becomes a small zone for quests it would definitely be worth it to redo the main capitals.

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It’s listed as the next thing to be released in the development notes. We’ll see it soon, I expect, maybe even as soon as this week.

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I just want…more forsaken hairstyles so bad

They got angry complaints from upset Horde players so walked it back.

i’m shocked that ion actually confirmed no blue-eyed blood elves

maybe he’s finally starting to heal after what that high elf cosplayer did to him


(I think he’s making a joke.)

On the internet??

I’ve already called the police.

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