[Spoilers] Shadowlands Alpha Thread

how tf is this still not a thing

On the subject of class trainers, from what I’ve heard there’s new dialogue options and placeholders that imply that class trainers will start actually teaching new players about mechanics and abilities their class can do again, but a lot of stuff hasn’t been finished in this build. My guess is we’ll see something on it soon if they intend to finish it in time for launch.

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You know, I agree with that sentiment and it is true that Metzen was one of those metalheads. But somehow, he also seemed to be…not the same, you know? Like, he at least gave the extra mile in figuring out why a cool thing was cool and trying to incorporate that into the story.

But you’re right, there was better story when there were more aging metalheads and fewer Activision folks.


Maybe that means that they’ll have a proving grounds tailored for roles or maybe even classes.

I feel as though proving grounds are going to remain as they are but be intended to be more of an execution and practice mode for using the abilities, and there will be minor short quests for players to test out their abilities and have their application explained. Proving Grounds do exist as a self challenge at higher levels, and they don’t individually teach class abilities, just imply how abilities can be used on what sorts of mob packs, but I can’t see them doing away with them entirely.

That said I would love a proving grounds sort of instance for classes set inside the order halls from Legion with more in-depth challenges for each individual spec. I won’t get my hopes up for this being a launch thing, but maybe something they can add in a later patch, as its own mage-tower challenge of sort.


Man I miss Metzen. Despite the weird direction he went with Thrall’s story in Cata, he really had a passion for storytelling, for the Warcraft universe specifically, and WoW really reflected that. I dunno it felt like Metzen actually cared. He may not’ve been the best writer in the world, but he cherished the wow universe and tried to keep it consistent.


Metzen had a joy for his characters that at the very least was admirable, even if it was loathsome at times. Even at his worst you could still feel CARE for them, which isn’t something you can tell with a lot of the characters anymore, so I agree with you a hundred percent on this.


Did they ever mention anything about new tusks for trolls? I have a vague recollection that they’re part of the example pick they showed us but I don’t think we’ve seen anything skimmed from the alpha so far

It would be shocking if they didn’t add more tusk options. That’s like Troll jewelry.


We orcs are a cuddly and loveable race, so the world just can’t stay mad at us…just watch out for the spikes…and the axes…and the mass killings…


Blue-eyed blood elves will not be playable (also, some other clarifications, such as that there will be a non-rated PvP currency in addition to the rated one they announced).

Connections Between Azeroth and Shadowlands

There is a connection and parallels between the Pantheon seen in Azeroth and the Pantheon of Death that rules over the Shadowlands.

What Happens in Pre-Patch?

They’ll release the full details as they get closer to pre-patch but they want to tell the story of the undead when the Helm of Domination was broken. It will mostly take place in Icecrown and Northrend.

There are some story stuff that needs to be wrapped up as well, like Nathanos who has many characters hunting him.

Why does Sylvanas have a new model?

When players join a Covenant, they get special armor sets. Sylvanas’ new armor is her basically joining a “Maw Covenant”.

How many expansions are you planning in advance?

Planning about 2 expansions in advance. While they don’t know specifics, they did know they were going to Shadowlands. They knew that Bwonsamdi originally wasn’t going to play a big role in Shadowlands, but people were excited about his character in BFA so they decided to bring him more to the frontlines in Shadowlands.

Will the expansion be delayed due to COVID?

After a 1 week adjustment period in March, the team is now able to work comfortably from home and stay safe. Still plan to release in 2020.

How would you be able to change your Covenant?

The general philosophy is leaving a Covenant and joining a new one will not actually be too difficult. However, what will be difficult is rejoining a Covenant once you abandon them. Azerite Armor taught them some lessons about how Hardcore players will continue to pay an increasing cost even though it was intended to ward them off at some point.


When you first join a Covenant, you will initially have 2 Soulbind characters and you can unlock a 3rd Soulbind character by doing the Covenant campaign. You can swap these at any times and can be used everywhere.

How much time will you need for one legendary?

It’s still something that they’re figuring out. One every 2-3 weeks is the current thought similar to Legion, but with much more control. You can only equip one legendary at a time.

When will the Horde starting zone be available on the Shadowlands Alpha?

Probably in a few weeks. They want to fix bugs and take feedback on the Alliance starting zone and apply it to the Horde starting zone so they don’t have to fix bugs twice.

Will Layering be used on Live?

Layering is a classic thing due to how the world works. Shadowlands will continue to use Sharding.

Is Leveling too fast on alpha?

Values are not completely tuned on Alpha right now. 7 hours is probably too fast, but they do want it faster than on live right now.

New Mythic+ Affixes?

They plan on continuing seasonal affixes – yet to design it yet but they want to design it. They may redesign one or two affixes if they come up with something good and they will retune some of them as well. Mythic+ is one of the last thing they do because they want to understand the dungeons before layering more things about it.

Armor Sets

Each Covenant has a transmog set, there’s a raid set. For the hardcore Maw raid set, the current plan will probably be the transmog set from Legendaries .

You won’t be able to unlock this in 9.0, but over the course of the expansion you should be able to get the complete set.

Can we set Kael’thas free?

There’s a possibility that you can set Kael’thas free.

What about Allied Race customizations?

For the initial release of Shadowlands, the focus is on the original races. Character customizations is an ongoing project and they’re never completely done.

Class Themed Sets

Right now the focus is on covenant sets, but in the focus they want to try to bring back class themed sets. Want to see if they can change the opinion of previous hunter class sets.

Blue Eyed Blood Elves

Ion confirmed that Blue Eyed Blood Elves as a character customization are not planned and just from datamining. Blue Eyed Blood Elves are textures for NPCs, and the real character customizations should be available in the upcoming weeks on Alpha.


Conquest and Honor are coming back. No new Battlegrounds planned, potentially a Shadowlands-themed arena.

PvP Gladiator Mounts and Titles

No plans to make them account-wide as they represent a major accomplishment and skill on a certain class.

Plans at Level 60?

Not everything is done yet. World quests will still be around. Covenants will have “calling” which are the new Emissaries, and there are more than just “complete X world quests”. There’s also an epic Covenant quest line which unlocks another soulbind. Leveling your Covenant Sanctum is important long term. You’ll be brining back Anima from a wide variety of activities. You’ll be collecting souls from the Maw and Torghast and bringing them back to your Covenant themselves.

Also Raids, dungeons and PvP.

The Maw

The Maw will unlock on the Alpha in a couple weeks. You start off in the Maw leading the forces against the Jailer and then you end up in Oribos. You go back there a couple times during the quest line but at 60, it becomes the end game where you can spend time there under the watchful eye of the Jailer.


No current plans to bring WoW to console. This was an accessibility measure as many people use controllers already using 3rd party programs.

Orgrimmar and Stormwind updates

They want to continue updating the old world while also trying to figure out where the artists time is best spent. They don’t want to completely overhaul the cities right now, maybe in the future.

Who won Battle for Azeroth?

The forces of Sylvanas lost, but it’s hard to say that Sylvanas lost, considering her current situation.

Alliance or Horde didn’t win–they agreed on a peace treaty. Something to debate for years to come.

Gotta say…with them funneling everyone into Org and Stormwind, I’d say it’s worth the resources to update the cities. Especially since this is where the new players go after exiles reach.

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Best news so far.

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I’d want an Ironforge/Thunder Bluff revamp and new cities for undead and night elves before they do yet another Stormwind and Orgrimmar makeover. Preferably with portal rooms/transmogrifiers so we’re not all forced into SW/Org.

Actually, let’s toss in a revamped Exodar (that flies!) and a completely repaired Silvermoon as well.


little worried theres going to be a repeat of BFA with an overall dearth of set options. a leveling set per zone, a covenant set, and a raid set don’t sound the most diverse

BFA was a good time to update the Blood Sail set (or make a look alike). Was bummed they only gave players hats. But at least some of the Kul Tiran leather gear looks piratey.

Also, we did get the tier set recolors from Islands and Warfront sets.

In this interview, they said there would be class-themed sets post-launch in Shadowlands.

" There is a connection and parallels between the Pantheon seen in Azeroth and the Pantheon of Death that rules over the Shadowlands."

[nervous chuckling] hahaha what the ffff

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Jailer might be a Titan that was locked away by the other Titans?