[Spoilers] Shadowlands Alpha Thread

[quote=“Autai-wyrmrest-accord, post:1047, topic:487491, full:true”]
There’s a datamined PvP arena based in Bastion. [/quote]

looks at state of arena
questions a lot of things
questions why quote constantly breaks too

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There are some new race preamble texts here, as well as some other text. So be aware, spoilers are abound.

I just wanted to vent about the Forsaken preamble:

You bear the curse of the Forsaken, returned from the grave. It is your choice what you do with this second chance at lifeAs one of the undead Forsaken, you have been reanimated by dark magic. Though shunned by the living, you tirelessly strive to protect them.

Like, since when? The Forsaken don’t protect the living. Their breakfast is the slaughtered people they used to commit their horrific medical experiments on, or something. Their national sport is flaying screaming children alive, or something. Their entire existence is basically just discount Scourge. If the Forsaken were being changed and were being redeemed, a better intro text would be something like.

Though the undead Forsaken’s history is wrought with terror, both inflicted upon them and them inflicting on others, they have turned to a new path. Moving away from the monstrous actions they once took, the Forsaken walk a different path. To redeem themselves, and to protect the living.

Or if they were keeping the old, “evil evil evil” theme:

As a bearer of the curse of the Forsaken, you strive for power and might. Though part of the Horde by necessity, in truth you care little for the plight of the living. A nightmarish people, the sum of the Forsaken’s crimes is too long to list, and as their ranks continue to swell, it shall only grow larger…

Make a choice, Blizzard. Don’t whitewash the friggin’ Forsaken. Choose if they’re evil, cackling monsters or a people seeking redemption for their past sins, and then portray that, don’t just pretend they’ve always been good.

“Tirelessly strive to protect the living”, my god, this angers me.


I’ve never been a fan of the ‘pure’ evil Forsaken they’ve only been portraying over the last few years. I enjoyed the showing of some Forsaken just wanting to be farmers again and others being pure militant. It’s why I adored Zellings story.

The line that the Forsaken are trying to protect life is…laughable. It is truly concerning because it feels like they’re going to shoehorn Calia into being the new leader of the Forsaken. It’s gross.

Calia was such a misused character that could have been way more interesting if they had introduced her into the Forsaken story earlier. If she was actually Forsaken as well, not some Lightbright monstrosity.


i mean, they randomly changed the Horde’s description during BfA and made them something like “defenders of freedom trying to stop Alliance tyranny” so i don’t expect much from them, but good god, even when the forsaken weren’t chaotic evil supervillains one of their iconic quotes was “death to the living”


As a former Forsaken main, the whole “protect the living” thing is driving me up the wall, and reaffirming my decision to step away from it.

It’s easy to understand that those in charge of the story aren’t the ones that were even 10 years ago, but like, this goes against everything we’ve seen in game and out since around Legion. (I stopped keeping up then after swapping.)

“We want to be left alone” was the main theme of more neutral Forsaken. Not “gotta protect me buds!”. Heck, even them helping the elves in BC was a bit of a stretch outside Sylvannas.


The best of the Forsaken was, is and will be doing anything to keep living, even in undeath. Sometimes it’s good, most of the time it’s questionable, sometimes it’s bad.

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I’ve been on the record a few times (I think) saying how much the Forsaken are a missed opportunity. However, ‘pure evil’ Forsaken has been a thing since Classic. The Forsaken who aren’t monsters are incredibly rare. Most of the time they’re all too ready to blight somewhere, do some disgusting experiment on someone, mercilessly butcher innocents who ‘stand in their way’ and otherwise act like discount Scourge.


Tbh, those are my favorite Forsaken. Like Shirt says above, the Forsaken that just want to be left alone. They died as farmers and by golly they’re just gonna farm dang nabbit.

You’re right of course. One of the early quests you have are force feeding a plague tonic to a Dwarf. Hell, in the current starting zone a Forsaken offers a plagued beer that was supposed to disintegrate the Pandaren that drank it lmao.

The new text is a complete mis-characterization of the Forsaken and doesn’t really portray the culture of the Forsaken to new players at all.


Yeah, I considered putting in a statement about how it shouldn’t surprise me that the Forsaken are getting whitewashed since they’re Horde, but I decided that was just a bit too much.

oh no i just made that statement


I played a Forsaken General/Ambassador who was sent in situations where the Forsaken needed to look more… less cartoony villain, and even she wanted absolutely nothing to do with the living outside making sure they stayed out of Tirisfal.

I can count on one hand the amount of breathers she legitimately cared about. The rest? Well, they’re either the reason she’s dead (Alliance Military) or will never understand their plight.

I just don’t understand why they want to erase what made the race so appealing in the first place. Some of us do enjoy playing “evil” and “dark” characters.


Because they are slowly making all races more and more human with their own little ‘cultural’ flavor. Human potential is a plague. Sylvanas was a fool to not weaponize it herself.


New jewelry for the human ladies.

New Human men hair styles:

New facial hair:

((No word if they are separating mustache from beards))

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Actual neckwear? Wow.

This gives me hope for my Gnome fro.

I should know better than to be optimistic at this point, but…

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Draka Model

Other goodies in here model wise for Necrolords/Night Fae

On no dude. If this is just a piece of the customization humans are getting…just imagine what they have for the other races! This is hype <3

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More human ladies goodies.

(((BEST HAIR!)))

everyone: cool hair, nice necklaces, sweet earrings


Ok so do the human ladies have a glazed eye look or is it just me?


I thought I was going crazy until you said something.