[Spoilers] Shadowlands Alpha Thread

Oh man! SO hyped for the Scarlet Brotherhood! Time for Sara to beat up some extremists who probably used to be her friends.


Right? These book entries are so hype worthy. Coming back I have no idea what to play anymore.

Btw, you mentioned that you’re going to RP seeing your mother in the SL. Do you have plans to see any old Crusaders?

If the Scarlet Brotherhood makes it to live, I might have an Alliance alt to consider for RP.

I mean, what else am I going to do? RP at the swole owls?

There were some datamined Scarlet face tattoos, they just don’t have files. So maaaaaaaaybe.

When you say it like that…yes. Yes you will.

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No immediate dead ones come to mind - most would be in Revendreth or the Maw anyway and Sarestha didn’t have many close friends among the Scarlets. BUT, Sarestha’s father was a Scarlet Onslaught Raven Priest, and he’s still alive. He’s one of my RP toons over on allyside. He was one of those who defected and went to Netherlight, but in his case it was because he saw the Onslaught was defunct. To an extent, he’s still held on to his beliefs, especially about the undead. Alonsus Faol being undead was more than he could bear.

So I think he’ll pop up. Sarestha’s mother will probably hug Sarestha, and punch Sarestha’s father in the face. That’ll be fun. :stuck_out_tongue:

That said I can see Sarestha’s father getting involved in this Scarlet Brotherhood business… He’s not an idiot, nor is he as racist as he used to be, but setting Genn up as High King and re-establishing a living King over Lordaeron is something he could definitely bear. He has no reason to support the Forsaken, as they’ve seemed as evil as the Scourge at every turn. And he thinks Anduin’s a weak King who keeps making peace at the cost of his own people’s lives. So… some interesting development for my other Scarlet I guess.


How are there any Scarlets left? How are they still a credible threat? C’mon, they’re as tired as orcs and trolls for enemies now.

Nathanos stuff:

We’ve datamined an interesting piece of data from the Shadowlands Alpha that could hint at Nathanos’ storyline. Story spoilers!

Shadowlands Alpha build 34081 didn’t add many new NPCs, but Nathanos Blightcaller (npc ID 169035) was one of them, along with Calia Menethil, a character poised to take over Sylvanas’ role leading the Forsaken after the events of Battle for Azeroth. Nathanos is marked as an Elite…and apparently is also tagged as a new Dungeon or Raid encounter (no zone given). While he’s not included in the Encounter Journal, this could be done to preserve secrecy, as all the other encounter IDs added in today’s build correspond to bosses present in the journal. So it’s possible, based on the data, that we could be fighting Nathanos in an upcoming Shadowlands raid.

Nathanos’ storyline may also not fit the Castle Nathria raid, but it would make sense, as Sylvanas’ most devoted follower, for him to be present in an upcoming raid. Last build, we wondered why some armor sets were called Maw Raid, as Blizzard only announced the Castle Nathria raid. But if the Maw was an upcoming raid releasing later in Shadowlands, then Nathanos as a boss could fit there due to Sylvanas’ partnership with the Jailer.

Nathanos in Battle for Azeroth seemed nearly as unstoppable as Sylvanas, showing up in all major storylines and escaping unscathed, even from Tyrande after she transformed into the Night Warrior. We last saw Nathanos in-game at Sylvanas’ side, following the events of the Fourth War in the Loyalist Campaign cinematic where he pledged his love for her. We’ve also learned he will play a major role in the Shadows Rising expansion prequel, tasked by Sylvanas to find and kill Bwonsamdi. Learn more about him in the Lore of Nathanos Blightcaller article.


Contracts crafted by inscriptionists are also in SL.

Revendreth mail raid set…

is bad.


The Light does not abandon its champions.

By the sounds of it they’re now a small extremist political faction within Alliance ranks, which frankly is a really cool way to deal with them.

Their holdings in Lordaeron and Northrend have long since been decimated. Having them pop up again in control of land would be silly. But… as tattered remnants infiltrating the Alliance… I can see it, and I’m intrigued by it.


Really like the idea that there is a cult following within the walls of Stormwind. Hell, even in Westfall where the common people are tired, worn and looking for anything that could earn some coin or security. The Brotherhood picking off the minds of the weak and militarizing the fear and anger toward Anduin and the Forsaken isn’t that far of a stretch.


Yeah that’s the thing - it’s not actually illogical to see Anduin as a weak King. What justice was there, really, for Teldrassil? The War’s resolution was unfair on the Alliance, and a lot of people are going to feel that.

Painting it all as a giant conspiracy… Well, let’s be honest. People IRL fall for conspiracies left, right and center. This is going to actually get to a few people who are lost and confused at the end of this war.


Light forbid if they discover that Anduin freed Saurfang.


Sorry Worgen and Kul Tirans, but your new starting zone is Cancelvania.


This news sort of makes me want to run a Scarlet RP guild but I don’t want all the drama that comes with being a Scarlet.


Could also make a crack team of Scarlet Elites. But yeah, lot of hit and miss with Scarlet RPers.

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I like how the plate set for the fey dudes look like it’s made out of wood.

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They won’t have any trouble making it to Live.

Because they ARE on Live. Right now. They’re lying on the ground in the woods near the Calston Estate if you’re in the post-BfA phase of Tirisfal.

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That is really bad. The belt and shoulders do not match at all. Where is the helmet? I think this might be incomplete, but still there are a LOT of clashing colors.


It’s incomplete. The helmet is completely missing, as are any 3D elements not on the belt or shoulders. Presumably there will be things on the boots, legs, and gloves that match the shoulders/belt and will tie the set together better.

Where near calston estate? I went looking and didn’t find anything.