[Spoilers] Shadowlands Alpha Thread

It might be because it’s the first new jewelry customization we’re seeing. If men don’t get nipple piercings, I’ll be miffed.

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That’s fair, but I think having it literally be “painted on” might be a necessity. Otherwise I’m sure there’d be all sorts of strange clipping in practice.

God, wouldn’t it be wild if they went “this is a T rated game, you can’t have body jewelry!!” so we can all send them pictures of Grom’s sweet sweet pectoral adornments?


There’s 2 whole covenants/zones/themes that don’t have spikes and skulls take your pick

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Stupid sexy Grom.


Unironically can’t wait to adorn Sairelle with golden chains like some ridiculously opulent empress. :star_struck:

don’t you dare judge me

who would I be to judge

i want to be an Angel right now!

“one of us, one of us!”

Secret toy was found by players.

The first secret Shadowlands toy has been found, the

Scroll of Aeons! This toy will give your character a spectral appearance.

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Just…let me roleplay a ghost, please.


That would be fun. That’s not allowed


Imagine a World of Warcraft where the developers let players enjoy the toys they put into the game. Imagine being able to RP a NPC race you adore via toy, no CD attached. Disabled in BGs.


imagine if blizzard made a fun game


Do you know how hard I would have worked for the Warden toy in Legion?

Hard enough to do the dailies…daily.

If I could make a Night Elf and RP her as an actual Warden with the armor and everything?

Absolutely, but it has a dumb cooldown.

Just looked it up, it is a 2 hour CD for 20 friggin’ minutes of being a Warden. Just wow. What’s worse is that it’s one of those things that drops for the Warden cache. Then thing you grind for after hitting exalted that is 100% RNG.

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There’s really no excuse. They simply dont like people having fun

It’s just weird. Kind of like how folks would keybind the Darkmoon Fair wings so that they’d have them indefinitely. There was just no harm in that and they nerfed it.

Why put these amazing features in a game and then gut them so hard that folks just don’t bother? Seriously, they’re just another collection minigame for folks at this point.


Between that and restricting glaives to Demon Hunters, it’s like Blizzard wants to crush all of my RP hopes and dreams.


That was very frustrating, yes. All hopes of playing a WC3 huntress dashed, unless I want green fel eyes to go with it.