[Spoilers] Shadowlands Alpha Thread

Right? Why not get creative and use goats like our ancestors did? Learned about a viking execution called the Blood Eagle. That was pretty messed up.

If there isnā€™t a 1984 room 101 reference in that fight, I will be disappointed.

imo the mundane makes it scarier.

Uh, I donā€™t know how to feel about this ā€˜possibleā€™ body jewelry customization for BEs. (Keep in mind theyā€™re not confirmed customizations)

Goblin customization is a bit thin like some other races. Hair and skintones.

They put up some more human customization options butā€¦ put the facial textures on old, existing meshes, so in some cases you canā€™t even tell what the differences are.

Yeah, they looked really weird.

For those interested this is what the Tarragrue looks like.


We never saw what a grue looked like (I think?) and that definitely doesnā€™t look like a tarrasque.

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They added more Worgen customizations.

Ladies are getting a lot of eye glow options. Also dead eyes! Men are getting more face options. I donā€™t think the women are getting eye shadow since that looks like the eye glow affect, but who knows?

but will draenei men get lewd body jewelry


The expansion isnā€™t even out yet and Iā€™m already sick of spikes and skulls.


Considering we endured a metric butt-ton of various spikes from Warlords to now, one can understand the burnout over spikes.

That being said, bring on the Blood Elf body jewelry.

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Nipple rings for dudes and tiddy tassels for gals


To be fair about the blood elf body jewelry, Iā€™d wager the idea is you use that underneath armor where itā€™ll show under gaps and stuff.

It only looksā€¦ like that because the character is in nothing but underwear right now.

Might look better with an actual mog over it is all Iā€™m saying.

Friend of mine pointed out that it looks like the shattered hand/laughing skull skin options for magā€™har so I would not be surprised if thatā€™s just the end product for it.

I wonder if male blood elves will get jewelry options? Iā€™d probably wear some if it looks like the nightborne stuff at all.

The Loa of Swole is definitely worth worshiping.


Iā€™ve returned.

To be completely honest, Iā€™m not sure why everyone is so cold on these jewelry pieces. Theyā€™re no more suggestive than a lot of armor sets we already have, theyā€™re on-brand for blood elves, and theyā€™re not patently ridiculous like most of what we already have (cough cough, metal thongs).

Theyā€™d need to be an equal-opportunity armor piece, of course, but I think blood elves can have a little suggestiveness, as a treat.


I just donā€™t like that they look painted on. Itā€™s a question of aesthetics more than content for me. Iā€™d actually not seen people making a stink about what the jewelry is; I guess Iā€™m not really surprised, though.

Give me ear sheaths.


Yes please. I mean our ears stick out so much armor them up a little

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