[Spoilers] Shadowlands Alpha Thread

Orcs customizations are out:

Face scars (male only right now)

Face tats (shared between sexes)


Body tats (shared between sexes):

Don’t know if the tats will have all accessible colors? The colors are white/green/brown.

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weird tattoos. you’d think there’d be a grom style’d one or any old orc style, but…


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I’m convinced that the face tattoos are supposed to be ritual scarring like some of the Mag’har skins and they aren’t being blended properly—hopefully in the final product they’ll look more like they’re part of the skin.


can we please get a blackrock orc skin tone


I think that’s what the dark green one that fades to grey on the limbs is supposed to be? It’s odd that they wouldn’t just enable the NPC version, though.

i hope not, NPC one is just a nice gray-green color and this third one is like… i don’t know, it’s not bad by any stretch but it kind of looks like a death knight skin

Dragonmaw is an option, too.

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Thought the same. They look off because they do look like as you said, ritual scarring.

I’m still gonna hold out for some mag’har options for regular orcs. Outland orcs are still a thing damn it!

Here’s hoping, but Mag’har sniped a lot of potential customizations. They should really, at the bare minimum, let ARs share hair styles with their core race.

This is why the AU mag’har thing was 100% unnecessary. There were already mag’har in the Horde that could have been made into an AR without the weird AU-Xe’ra stuff.


The Orc tattoos look like half-baked version of the Worgen fur patterns.

Which makes Orcs look like Worgen posers.

And Worgen aren’t even worth copying.

Gnomes are out:


Only skintones and same ol same ol eyes.

Hopefully Blizz won’t forget about us like they usually do.

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Cloth Maw Raid set:

Plate Maw Raid set:

These sets are absolutely sharp looking. Even if you don’t like them, that quality is really good. However, unlike recent tiers, there doesn’t seem to be a Mythic set that looks different? Maybe it’s coming later, but WoWheader labeled Mythic under these sets so the only difference might just be a color swap this time around. Which one though?

There was a lot of gnome jewelry datamined, things are just incomplete right now.

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I really wanna see Oribos because after WoD I have trust issues about the cool hub city being cut and it seems to be the only zone without any assets shown yet. Zuldazar and Boralus were so cool and I love getting new cities.

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Those armor sets are so boring. There’s enough skulls and spikes in the game already.


the real question is if the faun ppl become a playable race and you put pants on them is their butt gonna stick out like the current gear they are wearing lmao

i do like the fauns but i wonder if blizz were to make them an AR are they gonna suffer like Nightborne where they look really good in the NPC only armour and awkward in the actual usable armour that’s available for players

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It’s slated to be added to the Alpha in the next few weeks, along with Torghast, Revendreth, and the first round of character customizations.


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