[Spoilers] Shadowlands Alpha Thread

I have wanted to play a satyr in video games ever since I was given the option once in a text based game like 6 years ago, so count me in on hoping they are a thing.

Yeah, on Wrymrest alone I sincerely wonder how many people re-rolled these two. I know for sure I faction swapped my pally to be Zandalari, the moment I unlocked 'em. Letā€™s not even mention the amount of people that likely swapped to Void Elves, as well.

My Blizzard dogma is ā€œhope for the best, prepare for the worst.ā€


My dogma for any MMO Iā€™ve ever played is ā€œExpect nothing, even the things promised.ā€

You never know what youā€™ll get 100% until the patch or expansion actually drops.


Another example of something from Torghast. Itā€™s a mage ability that you get for the tower.

Everwarm Socks

Ice Block no longer covers your feet, allowing you to moveā€¦ albeit very slowly.

Iā€™m in love LOL


The entries in the allied race file might not be for allied races, counterintuitivelyā€”it may be them repurposing the allied race selection interface (which is what this file is used for) for something else, possibly the interface where you select your Covenant. Theyā€™ve done similar things with garrison-related files in the past.

The thing that really makes me doubtful is that the row that corresponds to the Necrolords has a necromancer as the ā€œmaleā€ model and an abomination as the ā€œfemale.ā€ The Night Fae also have a male faun as the ā€œmaleā€ and a fairy as the ā€œfemaleā€ (despite there being fauns of both genders).

I know it seems like Iā€™m being a killjoy, but thereā€™s a good chance people will be disappointed if they interpret this as being a sure sign of these becoming allied races.


Oh, to clarify, I donā€™t expect it, but Iā€™d just be happy if they became playable later on.

They are built in a way thatā€™s more like player models than most creatures, in that they can swap out armor/hairstyles, so itā€™s a possibility. I would take that as being more indicative of them being potential allied races than the allied race file thing.

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Yeah. I still donā€™t see them all being allied races;
We were hyped for Sethrak. It didnā€™t happen.

This is also the stage theyā€™d be leaving a lot of breadcrumb trails to nowhere.

Alliance will get blue humans, Horde will get Fae & vampy bois.

i like the kyrians so blizzard canā€™t defeat me this time

So it turns out that the woman who became the Night Warrior and died, whose memories we see in that scenarioā€¦

ā€¦ is running a resort for swole owl dudes in the afterlife?


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there is no greater honor

Well this is amazing. Paying attention to the names of the NPCs is going to be pretty important.

Yeah! The Shadowlands is going to be packed with names.

I wouldnā€™t put it past Blizzard to litter each covenant zone with names of minor quest NPCs or questline bosses. Hell, who knowsā€¦

Rare spawn Hogger in the Maw?


I would really love to see Fandral and his son hanging out somewhere. Though Fandral seems like heā€™d go Venthyr and his son would probably be Bastion.

Do you think the world trees go to the Shadowlands? Tree souls. What about the ancients? They things have personalities and consciousness.

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Perfect retirement.

How are soulstones going to work? Are Warlocks trapping souls that are souls in their soul realm? Are the residents of the Shadowlands gonna be ok with that going down?

I really hope we see familiar names of past quest mobs there. Like, Mankrikā€™s wife or some such.

She was confirmed wasnā€™t she?

Edit, yeah she is.

Aside from the already mentioned Uther, Draka, Cenarius, and Kaelā€™thas, will other dead characters have a frequent major or minor role in the expansion?

One of the themes while developing Shadowlands is to make the story more than just a collection of random stories. Many important characters have fallen throughout the history of Warcraft, but theyā€™re trying to focus on major storylines which are still relevant today (e.g. Uther, Draka), while also peppering in some lesser characters tragedy and interaction. For example, a certain Classic WoW characterā€™s wife which has become something of a cult classic might be one of those minor, easter egg-like things they might pursue. Not spoiling any of the big stuff though!

I know they say ā€˜mightā€™ but thatā€™s like telling us weā€™ll be surprised with who burns Teldrassil.

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