[Spoilers] Shadowlands Alpha Thread

i’m glad to hear this is the case

it’d be a little bland to make the zombie covenant evil aggressive bad guys, especially since we’re going to have an entire zone devoted to working alongside them

Mag’har being an AR probably took a lot of Orcs customization thunder. Also, there probably will be more coming, this is just super early datamining.

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Also, keep in mind that almost none of the customization options are hooked up to the models yet and all of these screenshots you’re seeing are actually just guesses as to how the textures are supposed to be combined. We won’t see how they’re truly supposed to look until they enable the new customizations some time in the next few weeks.


I still want to pretend I’m the one who started “super hell” as a term.

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I couldnt remember if it was you or Enekie

Enekie has stolen many things from me.

apparently the satyr dudes from ardenweald are similar to vulpera in that they have a disproportionate amount of customization options for an NPC race

wonder if that means shadowlands might introduce some new allied races



Alliance Vampires? Not sure if I believe that one.

huh, i’d be shocked but happy if alliance gets the vampires

i’d also be happier if they would just do neutral races again so that horde kyrian and alliance necrolord players don’t feel shafted if they’re made playable only for the other faction

like i know blizzard is incapable of learning, but damn


Think the crests are just alpha placeholders, until they finish the actual ARs.

i think that’s kind of a given unless vampires really like the dark iron dwarves

I really want the fauns but I am also very doubtful they actually give us ARs. It super duper feels like ARs were a BFA thing that’s gonna go away like artifacts and the necklace.


Because Allied Races were really profitable for Blizzard. It’d be a huge mistake for them to not continue making them.

And instead of making new models for new ARs, why not just use the factions you’ve made for the expansion?

I’ve got a slight hope that these ARs are neutral, however, based on the fact the crests don’t make too much sense based on the races applied to them. Kyrians and Night Faun make sense for the Allies, while Venthyr and Necrolords make sense Horde.

If they bundle 'em up in a big neutral bundle it’d be a winner for me, but I still feel like they’d be bound to faction so that they can get faction transfer money, not just race change money. It’s 30 dollars to 15, you know?

Think of all the other things that would be profitable for Blizzard and then tell me that they’ve always followed through.

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It does seem weird to have what are essentially the wow versions of angels and demons joining up with our earthly political factions but I guess that’s just inevitable with the afterlife premise.

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I’m basing this solely off of a financial point of view. It just makes little sense for a corporation to fling a cash cow into the abyss, unless they make something new that gets people to pay money on.

Rep grinds get people to play longer, too. It’s an absolute win for Blizz.

What if by the end of this the reality between Azeroth and Shadowlands merges?

yeah, i think allied races might have a chance based on $$$ alone

because, as mentioned above, there’s an obnoxious rep grind nearly guaranteed to be attached to them and i can’t even imagine how many people race changed into vulpera or zandalari

Before Shadowlands our angels and demons were naaru (and lightforged) and demons.

It’s not that weird, in my opinion.