[Spoilers] Shadowlands Alpha Thread

So, my response to the further customization of character ethnicity is a resounding ‘neat’ since while I likely wont engage, I know others desired it and it is more important to them.

Seeing the fact we’re getting the High Elf customizations for Horde…

Oh you have no idea how much this amuses the part of me that loves watching the world burn.


Oh I agree. The Horde in me is going “ha! Take that alliance”

The alliance in me though who has a void elf would be 1000% for more void elf customization or a two forms thing that could double as high elves.

of course we can but it’s important to maintain consistency in it and explain when sudden changes are added into the lore. If not it starts to dissolve the lore and it quality. I love the blues eyes and the concept of it since WC 3 art with the priest unit and when high elfs were show in TBC BUT lore wise it should be High Elf that get it not Blood elfs it’s kinda of a yikes for the alliance and supporters of high elfs

i like how we summoned a random general forums guy into our realm forums and he is just staying


i even left the door open but he keeps flying into the window.

One of us!

and yet it’s their game and lore your playing.

In his defense. His thread got linked here and it notified him.

It would be this simple really, something this simple and the tire fire would be avoided. That they absolutely wont makes it difficult to discount spite.

lol, epic! People aren’t getting what they wanted! pwnage.

I assume this is @ the orc guy but just in case it’s not, the way they did it in this context matters since it determines the quality of the final product. I think the dark skins are unacceptably awful and need much more effort put into them.


I don’t think people really care about the eye colors.

Well, half the people are getting what they wanted.

The other half plays Velves and worked up their hopes without too much to go on. Personally, I’m just hoping it actually gets story to it rather than just being a customization option since that would be neat.

I do.

I want empty sockets.

Mystfire is MISSING HER EYE. And in fact that entire side of her face WAS MELTED AND DISFIGURED.

I want to display that in game!

It is one of her most vital RP aspects, having always used her beauty to get what she wanted and suddenly that beauty is gone.

they didn’t “work up their hopes without too much to go on,” they were just hoping that maybe after being taunted with high elves for years blizzard would stop being a pack of cartwheeling super clowns and make them playable


Did Horde players want High Elves?

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No im talking to the orc guy that has a problem with black elves getting added without lore, but not more eye colors even though the lore is very strict about eye colors

Its the black thing thats the problem

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Yeah, so Alliance players couldn’t have them, duh.


I meant that more as the eye colors aren’t as big a deal as the horrible looking skin tones that are less of what drow elves should look like and more of that they look like they got either a bad tan or just decided to sit in the sun for a month straight.

As someone who was previously involved with the Belf RP community, a lot of people wanted the option since they didn’t like fel green corruption.

Quieted down a bit when light gold was an option and a reason of “corruption washed away” was given.

But yes, quite a few red side wanted High Elves for Horde.

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Rather be flying into windows than be licking them